NATO: Message to Silianovska about “Macedonia” – 2024-07-28 08:00:05

North Macedonia, after adopting the Prespa Agreement in 2019, joined NATO in 2020 keeping its constitutional name.

Asked about the fact that the country’s new president, Gordana Silianovska, did not use the constitutional name at the swearing-in ceremony, he said that the Prespa agreement paved the way for its accession North Macedonia in the NATO and contributed to the good neighborly relations which are important to maintain between the Allies.

In particular, the NATO official said, according to APE: “North Macedonia is a valuable NATO ally and contributes significantly to our collective security. This includes troops deployed to our KFOR mission in Kosovo, the advisory and capacity-building mission in Iraq, and NATO’s multinational battlegroups in Latvia, Bulgaria and Romania.

The Prespa Agreement paved the way for North Macedonia to join NATO and contributed to good neighborly relations, which are important to maintain between the Allies.

According to newsbeast, North Macedonia joined the Alliance under its constitutional name and is represented in NATO under that name.

It was preceded earlier today by the message of the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giorgos Gerapetritis.

“We demand compliance with the Prespa Agreement, we will shape the framework for its full implementation, it is not a matter of self-determination of each official, but the full implementation of what was agreed”, stressed Giorgos Gerapetritis to ERT regarding Silianovska’s challenges.

“The Greek side demands compliance with the agreements. They owe respect to the Agreement. There are points, beyond the name, to which the neighboring country has not adapted”, he continued. “The issue of the name is not modified, it was agreed and ratified by both sides,” the foreign minister underlined.

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#NATO #Message #Silianovska #Macedonia



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