Ana Rosenfeld Opens Up About Love and Loss: Reflecting on 37 Years with Marcelo Frydlewski

Ana Rosenfeld was one of the guests at the “mesaza” of Mirtha Legrand on Saturday night and the lawyer opened her heart about her relationship of more than 30 years with Marcelo Frydlewski.

It is noteworthy that, due to complications from diabetes and the coronavirus, Marcelo passed away on October 9, 2021. “We were together for 37 years and I was very much in love. We were very happy and at our best, full of life, when diabetes made COVID work very fast and malignantly like a Pac-Man inside his organs,” she indicated.

Rosenfeld revealed that Frydlewski was hospitalized for two months in Miami before he passed away. Regarding seeking a new partner, Ana made it clear that her heart is closed: “I live alone and I am not ready for any relationship. After so many years, it’s hard to accept that someone wants to kiss you, that they desire you.”

I’ve had some suitors, but I enjoy spending time with friends, with my daughters…,” she reflected. This prompted Mirtha Legrand to talk about her own experience with Daniel Tinayre, who was her partner for so many years.

Ana Rosenfeld and her late partner. Photo: Instagram

Ana Rosenfeld and her late partner. Photo: Instagram

Loneliness is terrible,” she concluded. “It bothers me to have dinner alone. The worst part is coming home and knowing that the other side of the bed is empty. Women write to me and ask how I manage to not show it, but I don’t know,” Rosenfeld finished.

The sad anecdote that Mirtha Legrand shared

Mirtha Legrand revealed how she lived the days following her husband’s death. “I always tell that on Saturday nights we would gather to eat with friends. When Daniel died and they came to pick me up, I went alone, I returned home and put the key in the door,” she began.

She continued: “As soon as I put the key in, I thought ‘this is loneliness’. Daniel was a gentleman, he always opened the front door for me and let me pass. That was loneliness for me.”



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