Famellos: “Difficult but necessary to delete Pavlos Polakis” – 2024-07-28 03:34:09

Difficult but necessary to delete it Pavlos Polakis – Not to give the government the right to hide its destructive policies “It was not – and is not – an easy decision to remove Pavlos Polakis from the party’s parliamentary group. He had a very important role in the local government, in the party, and especially in the SYRIZA government and in the Parliament. But it was a behavior that does not correspond to the parliamentary process, to the ethos of the Left and to the respect of individual rights, that is to say, it was a question of respecting the personality of each person”, initially stressed the president of the Parliamentary Group of SYRIZA – PS, Sokratis Famellos, speaking in the Municipal Radio Thessaloniki “FM 100”.

Polakis: He insists on a “fixed” reaction of Linou VIDEO

“I want to make it clear,” continued S. Famellos, that “nobody expected a wrong move by P. Polakis to be put out of KO. I assure you that there was no plan, no discussion and no preparation before the impugned conduct. It was not a decision that was taken quickly or on the spur of the moment but after a meeting with Stefanos Kasselakis based on the regulations of the Parliament and the SYRIZA-PS parliamentary group”.

Famellos for Polakis: “His behavior was not consistent with our own principles and parliamentary procedure”

“We should not connect the incident with the correct political position of Pavlos Polakis which was made in a very negative government bill”, added the president of the KO of SYRIZA – PS, underlining that “the government will try to hide behind this incident a tragic mental health bill. We should not, on matters of conduct, give the right to a very unjust government to hide its policy. And indeed in specific matters of the Ministry of Health, because it is certain that Mr. Georgiadis will try to hide many negative elements of his policy because of Pavlos’ behavior.”

With reference to the intention of Pavlos Polakis to attend yesterday’s meeting of the parliamentary group, having been deleted, S. Famellos denied the reports that spoke of causing tension between them, noting that independent MPs obviously do not have the possibility to attend parliamentary meetings of the parties: “I simply asked him to leave, which he did before our meeting began,” he said. S. Famellos characterized as “constructive” the positions of the deputies at the KO meeting, adding that it contained proposals and positions on how SYRIZA-PS can become better, as well as criticism of the mistakes: “We discussed the reasons why we were late meeting, on how to be better in our fields, as well as on the connection with the functioning of the party. Collectiveness and camaraderie, which was recorded as our basic need at the previous SYRIZA-PS conference, is a positive message that we can send to the fragmented society that is often isolated at home, on television, on social media.”

“SYRIZA-PS is at a moment in time when it is producing policy with a specific imprint through elaborated proposals. The party’s parliamentary group is a good example of how we can work collectively with very good rates of performance”, said S. Famellos, adding that “the MPs of SYRIZA – PS are in the majority first and foremost in the parliamentary work”. then quoting recent parliamentary initiatives: “The proposals for a law on precision, on taxation, our proposals for incentives to achieve the staffing of Health Centers in mountainous and island regions of our country, but also the staffing of schools in disadvantaged areas highlight the coherence and seriousness of a progressive party submitting proposals for government policy’.

With reference to the intra-party dialogue ahead of the SYRIZA-PS Congress, S. Famellos underlined that the climate of the debate in the bodies “is productive”, as “there are differences but no one is pulling the strings”, but, on the contrary, “a synthetic process”: “It is our statutory principle that the institutions function and that we submit our opinion to them, participating in the formation of the political plan. The more space we give to democracy within the party, the less discord there will be. Because a living democratic party leaves no room for disagreements but gives room for composition”, observed the president of the Parliamentary Group of SYRIZA – PS, Sokratis Famellos.

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