Theses of the month: “What are the levers for improving the economic competitiveness of waste?”

2024-07-25 06:45:47

To support you and provide you with ever richer information, Techniques de l’Ingénieur is partnering with the National Network of Doctoral Schools – Sciences for Engineering (REDOC SPI). Each month, our partner selects theses related to our monthly file to allow you to delve further into the themes developed in the file.

For our January issue, “What are the levers for improving the economic competitiveness of waste?”, here are the theses selected by REDOC SPI. Find the summary of these theses as well as the theses from previous months on our partner’s website.

Resources, Waste and Climate: Essays on the Economics of Recycling
Etienne Lorang
Doctoral thesis in Economic Sciences, defended on 03/18/2022
Office of Theoretical and Applied Economics

Self-regulation as a non-market strategy. An exploratory study on the mechanisms transforming the non-market environment of firms.
Agnieszka Majewski
Doctoral thesis in management, defended on 02/14/2023
Dauphine Research in Management

Natural resource management and control in a globalized world
Marine Bastiege
Doctoral thesis in Management Sciences, defended on 11/17/2022
Management Research Center (CEREGE)

Perceived sacrifice for the environment: conceptualization, antecedents and impacts on the adoption of zero-waste and deconsumption practices
Ines Kolli
Doctoral thesis in Management and Management Sciences, defended on 03/16/2022
Montpellier Research in Management

Circular economy for carbon fiber composites: from aeronautical waste to recycled carbon + thermoplastic composites
Yang Shi
Doctoral thesis in mechanics, defended on 04/21/2022
Bordeaux Institute of Mechanics and Engineering

Extended producer responsibility, a single-use instrument?: the institutionalization of a method of financing household waste management
Vincent Jourdain
Doctoral thesis in sociology, defended on 03/27/2023
Pact, social sciences laboratory

Analysis of the economy-industrial activity-hazardous industrial waste link in South Korea using multi-level approaches
Daye Lee
Doctoral thesis in Socio-Technical Systems, defended on 12/14/2021
Interdisciplinary research on Society-Technology-Environment / InSyTE

Methodological development of consequential Life Cycle Analysis applied to the civil construction sector
Denise Tavares
Doctoral thesis in Manufacturing Processes – Mechanical Engineering, defended on 10/11/2022
Bordeaux Institute of Mechanics and Engineering

Lives in second-hand clothes: an anthropology of the circulation of used clothing (bâleh) in Lebanon
Emmanuelle Durand
Doctoral thesis in Social Anthropology and Ethnology, defended on 12/4/2022

Circular economy in construction: multi-criteria Life Cycle Analysis for the recovery of construction waste
Maher Hodroj
Thesis project in Civil Engineering since 10/01/2021
Toulouse Construction Materials and Sustainability Laboratory

#Theses #month #levers #improving #economic #competitiveness #waste



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