Bases 2024: Four excellent ones speak to ET – Analytical tables for all schools 2024-07-27 23:40:04

Four of the students who excelled in the difficult test of the Panhellenic exams speak to ET.

KATERINA ATHANASOPOULOU (19,600 POINTS): “My efforts have been justified”

Joy and only joy for Katerina Athanasopoulou, who managed to be admitted first to the School of Mechanical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. “My efforts have been justified,” he says to “Elefthero Tipo” shortly after yesterday’s announcement of the admission criteria for Higher Education.

“From the first moment I was very interested in this particular school and now I look forward to attending the classes,” says Katerina, who excelled in this year’s nationwide exams, accumulating 19,600 points. Specifically, 19.6 in Modern Greek Language and Physics, 19.4 in Mathematics and 19.8 in Chemistry. Now, without stress, he can dream about the future. Looking back, however, to the days of preparation for the great battle of the nationwide exams, he comments: “I read qualitatively.”

KATERINA ALEXIOU (19,300 POINTS): The nurse who switched to Medicine

Last year, Katerina Alexiou did what for many is considered something particularly difficult. From the shifts in the Emergency Department of the “I Sotiria” Hospital, he ended up in the evening at the Evening High School to attend classes. At the age of 29, she works as a nurse with postgraduate studies, but she had a big dream, to study Medicine. And he succeeded. And not only. She was first admitted to the Medical School of Athens with 19,300 points. “I’m really very happy, because my efforts have been rewarded,” she says to the “Free Press”. In fact, when asked about her plans from now on, she replied that she will continue working normally in the Emergency Department.

RAFAELIA PARASCHOU (19,325 POINTS): “It was a marathon and not a marathon”

Rafaelia Paraschou collected 19,325 points in the nationwide exams and managed to pass seventh in Medicine at AUTH. “I did better than I expected,” he told “ET” with disarming honesty. He was born and raised in Thessaloniki. She secured a scholarship to Anatolia College High School and excelled throughout her studies. “The Panhellenic was a marathon and not a race. In essence, the preparation started from the previous years and intensified in the 3rd grade”, he added. As he said, he was reading on a schedule. She declares that she is extremely happy and satisfied with her success and admitted that she has not yet decided what branch of Medicine she will follow. “Maybe Psychiatry, maybe research on Medicine”, he concluded.

IASON IOANNIDIS (19,225 POINTS): “It was my big dream”

He was born and raised in a small village in Thessaloniki. 18-year-old Iason Ioannidis from Krithia “swept” in the nationwide exams, collecting 19,225 points. “I passed 12th in Medicine at AUTH. It was my big dream. I am very happy”, he told “ET”. He made it clear that preparing for the national exams required… balance and planning. “I feel great relief and satisfaction. I still haven’t decided the specialty I will follow. I first want to cross the threshold of the school, see the courses, consult with experts and then I will make the decision”, he added and underlined that no one from his family is related to Medicine.

Bases 2024: “Dive” into the popular HEI schools [αναλυτικοί πίνακες]

In an impressive plunge, the popular schools fell from the highs of the previous year, with heavy losses, mainly in central Institutions. The dive in the polytechnic schools was spectacular, with up to 600 points in NTUA departments, with only two departments remaining above the limit of 18,000 points. Estimates that medicals were heading for a second straight record high were resoundingly belied by losses of up to 325 points in perhaps the most popular computer science school of all time.

This year’s results of the bases, which were announced by the Ministry of Education earlier than ever, recorded a universal decline of all popular schools, while on the contrary, low-ranking schools of polytechnic departments, financial departments and even paramedical subjects in regional Institutions recorded “high flights”. These segments moved between 9,000 and 11,000 points, with the difference compared to last year even reaching 4,500 points. Conversely, the biggest plunge reached 3,160 points.

A total of 74,847 candidates from GEL and 15,569 candidates from EPAL took part in this year’s nationwide exams. Due to the EBE, much fewer managed to complete a computerized form, with 52,171 GEL candidates and 5,855 EPAL candidates.

For this year, the lowest base belongs to a department of a central Foundation but based in the province. In particular, the Regional and Economic Development department based in Amfissa, which belongs to the Agricultural University of Athens, was the one with the lowest base for this year with only 6,860 points. The highest-ranking school was the School of Architecture (with a special course) and an admission base of 19,335, while the highest-ranking school without a special course was Athens Medicine with 18,775 points.

There was a massacre at the Military Schools, where all – except Evelpidon – WEAPONS which had only a 10 point increase – collapsed with some losing up to 3,140 points, like Evelpidon -.Bodies.

Despite their popularity, the Police Schools also recorded a drop with the Hellenic Police Officers losing 570 points and falling to 17,500 points, while the Constabulary School fell to 13,180 points with a plunge of 1,630 points.

1st field

Up to 325 points less in Law

Estimates that wanted law schools to hold resistance to the decline were refuted, with Athens Law School losing 100 points, while schools in Thessaloniki and Komotini lost up to 325 points, fluctuations that are not usual in the field in question. Athens Law registered the smallest drop with just 100 points and an admission base of 18,025 points. Nomiki Thessaloniki fell by 300 points to 17,340 points, while Nomiki Komotini also lost 325 points and locked the admission base at 16,650 points. Psychology also had a noticeable drop, despite being the second most popular in the field. However, it is worth noting that in a leap year, the new Psychology in Didymoteicho achieved a very good performance for the first time, with 15,300 points.

Apart from some cases of low-ranking Philology in provinces that recorded an increase, the schools of Pedagogy proved impressively strong, the majority of which saw their points increase by up to 275 points, as in the case of Pedagogy of Primary Education in Crete. The corresponding department at EKPA lost 125 points and was kept at 16,100 points, while the rest from Thessaloniki to the Aegean saw an increase, in the midst of appointments in education in recent years.

2nd field

Polytechnics: The… big long leg

The strongest losses were recorded in 2The scientific field in the polytechnic schools especially of the central Institutions. The Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering of NTUA lost 330 points. The Chemical Engineering department at NTUA fell by 645 points, as did the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Patras with a loss of 640 points. However, it is worth noting that the Schools of Engineering, which until now had not received parity with corresponding schools of polytechnic departments, recorded an impressive rise. For example, Naval Engineering in Aegaleo shot up by 1,595 points to 11,395 points.

Architecture schools recorded heavy losses of up to 600 points, expectedly due to poor performance in the special Freelance Design course, as all three shot above 16,000 points with 1,000 points more than last year.

In agricultural schools, regional departments shot up to 600 points, while departments in central institutions lost more than 250 points.

3rd field

Below 19,000 points are Medical

Dive into the most popular schools of computer science, which missed the threshold of 19,000 points. This is Athens Medicine which fell to 18,775 points, with a loss of 225 points, followed by AUTH Medicine with 18,550 points. In total, in all seven Medical Schools, the drop reached up to 350 points.

With a reduction of 210 points, Pharmacy of Athens and Biology of Athens moved. The losses were even heavier for AUTH Pharmacy with 300 points down.

The big surprise in that field came in the popular paramedic professions, where a significant increase was seen in district departments. Indicatively, Nursing in Tripoli gained 1,680 points more than last year.

4th field

Losses in Finance and IT

After several years of an upward streak, financial schools experienced their first bottoming out. Athens University of Economics and Piraeus University saw almost all their departments record losses of 100 to 870 points. In particular, the highest ranking department of the field in question, Administrative Science and Technology lost 175 points with an admission base of 18,175 points, while International and European Studies at the University of Piraeus lost 765 points and locked its admission base at 16,795 points. Remarkable was the rise of the Maritime Studies department with an additional 440 points.

The losses were also heavy in the Informatics departments, where in the central Institutions they even reached 700 points. On the contrary, in some regions, such as in Informatics Kavala of AUTH, his base shot up by 777 points.

Bases 2024: 10,000 seats remain empty in the auditoriums

For another year, the phenomenon of empty auditoriums continues, with dozens of departments counting losses in admissions. And this year more than 10 departments have less than 20 admissionswith the Minimum Admission Basis, but also the reduced interest in specific study subjects keeping many departments deserted, even in central Institutions such as AUTH, NTUA and EKPA.

With the advent of the Minimum Admission Base, which aimed to eliminate the phenomenon of admission to Tertiary Education with very low grades – and it succeeded – another phenomenon came, the vacant places in universities. In many regional Institutions this was familiar, as even before the EBE many students were enrolled, having achieved their admission with grades even below 1, but never attended the courses.

According to data from the Ministry of Education, of the 62,248 places available for General High School candidates this year, 52,128 were filled, leaving more than 10,000 places vacant.

Among the most extreme examples are those concerning the two largest universities of the country, EKPA and AUTH. In particular, in the second at least five sections will cover from September 2024 in the auditoriums less than 50% of the total number of admissions. These are the departments of French Philology, Agriculture, Italian Language. The departments of French and Italian did not manage to gather the interest of more than 13 entrants, despite the fact that the available places exceeded 70. The Department of Physics at AUTH is also impressive, which, although it had 146 places available, did not manage to fill not even a third of them, with only 54 people successful.

Continuing, EKPA also registers several gaps, with the foreign language departments (French, German, Spanish and Turkish Studies) unable to gather the interest of more than 44 students, despite the fact that the available places exceed 100. The most extreme an example is that of Spanish Language and Literature with just 12 admissions for September 2024.

As in AUTH, in EKPA there is the phenomenon that even “state” schools such as Mathematics have vacancies. Of the 181 available positions, the Mathematics department at EKPA filled only 82 with freshmen.

Even the National Technical University of Athens has a faculty, that of Agronomists and Topographical Engineers, in which this year there will be vacancies, as only 44 admitted students succeeded, leaving 25 vacancies.

The phenomenon is even more pronounced in regional institutions. In the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment of the Democritus University of Thrace based in Drama, just three people passed the school, leaving 129 vacancies.

Another example is that of Corfu, where only 12 people were admitted to the Department of History, leaving 98 vacant positions.

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