Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, you will have mood, humor and the need to express your feelings, but be careful because you will have to face difficult situations – 2024-07-27 23:26:59

Today, the square of the Moon in Pisces with Jupiter in Gemini, drives away all our mood to deal with anything that requires effort and time. Every practical matter will be postponed and all we want to do is wander around, aimlessly or sit and rest, enjoying moments of relaxation and fun.

Optimism will flood us, as well as a frivolity or frivolity, while it is possible to set up a casual party, a gathering or go out to have fun, even if everyday, leaving the important things for tomorrow. Overexposure is also possible, as is doing or saying things we later regret.


A two-day period of introspection has begun with plans and secrets to keep under wraps with the Moon in Pisces on your 12th. However, with her square to Jupiter from your 3rd, out of recklessness, frivolity and excessive optimism, you will make the mistake of talking to the wrong people. Even if it’s about your secrets, you don’t need to reveal the slightest and much more, make promises that you won’t be able to keep. No matter how well-intentioned you are, you will come across as inconsistent along the way. Especially in the evening when the Moon forms a conjunction with the retrograde Saturn, you will have guilt, insecurities and fears and more than ever you will seek your solitude, you will create various scenarios and you will have the need to re-evaluate the events of the day.


With the Moon moving into Pisces in your 11th and squaring Jupiter from your 2nd, you will have high expectations of increased income and will be eager to realize your plans and goals, possibly in the wrong ways. Participating in society or a group makes you feel accepted and your need for socialization is strengthened, but you should be careful about the promises you make and the promises you make. On the evening when the Moon will form a conjunction with retrograde Saturn, it is possible that you will feel that you are oppressed by the group and the many people and you will keep your distance since the obligations will start to fall heavy and heavy on you.


With the Moon having moved into the sign of Pisces in your 10th, you will have increased obligations in your professional area. You will be pushed to cope so as not to be exposed, while with her square to Jupiter in your 1st, you will become arrogant, frivolous and of course you will make mistakes, which we hope your boss and you will not discover cost dearly. Some social obligations will “sit” heavy on you, as a result of which you will “spoil” and not be able to escape from them. Especially on the night when the Moon will form a conjunction with retrograde Saturn, there is the possibility that a serious issue will arise with someone who is solarly older and you will need to help. It is definitely not your best and you will become quite aloof, grumpy and judgmental.


With the Moon having moved into the sign of Pisces in your 9th and in a square with Jupiter from your 12th, you will have a fairly good and optimistic mood and mainly a tendency to escape from your everyday life and work of a practical nature. You will have a philosophical, traveling, adventurous mood and you will want to be busy with your holidays. Your interests are many and varied, while your philanthropic feelings will be particularly emphasized and you will want to help the whole world. Be careful what you promise because intentions are not enough. Towards the evening when the Moon will form a conjunction with the retrograde Saturn, you will face moral dilemmas and you will wonder if the implementation of your ideas and plans are related to laws and morals and that is why you will be divided. Delays and obstacles to movement and travel.


With the Moon moving into Pisces in your 8th, you are likely to take care of settling debts and debts, although with her square to Jupiter from your 11th, I see you eating it up with your buddies and payments to go walk. And maybe with your company you can throw it on the walks and the coffees, but in the evening when the Moon’s conjunction with the retrograde Saturn will be formed, you will see everything getting in the way. You will not be in a good emotional state, you will have tendencies of loneliness, pessimism and depression. Apart from the financial insecurities that will catch you, you will try to discipline yourself so that you don’t get carried away by your passions, whatever they may be.


With the Moon in your 7th from Pisces and square to Jupiter from your 10th, you will be in a cheerful mood with your partners, but you will fervently avoid responsibilities, obligations and commitment, resulting in to be labeled lazy and not unfairly, since your tendency will be to make them have a good time by conveying your optimism. However, on the night when the Moon meets Saturn, it is possible that the fun and joy will be completely lost because of your partner, who will probably be grumpy and miserable and will make sure to ruin your day. nose. He will put you down, be cruel and judgmental towards you, causing you to feel hurt and want to be alone.


With the Moon moving into Pisces in your 6th and square Jupiter in your 9th, it’s likely that you have scheduled chores and obligations that you won’t even bother to attend to. You will have a carefree tendency, laziness and an appetite for light moments that relieve you from your daily and tiring schedule. However, in the evening when the Moon will form a conjunction with the retrograde Saturn, you will not escape so easily. You will either be “suffocated” by obligations and have to push yourself, or you will be gripped by depressive moods, pessimism and microbiophobic tendencies. It is possible that you will get pains in the back and bones especially if there is a problem from the past. The fact is that you will feel tired and not in the mood for anything and anyone.



Inside the house and in intra-family activities you will be quite active, since you will not be in the mood for socializing with the Moon having passed into the sign of Pisces in your 4th. You will have a light mood, humor and a need to tenderly express your feelings to family members, your partner and all those you consider your people. Several frivolities will happen on your part, however with the Moon’s conjunction with Saturn in the evening, you will probably be emotionally and physically strained. You will need to face difficult situations and to be able to cope, you will have to see things more maturely, without showing malice and critical moods. It is certain that you will have a strong feeling of loneliness and melancholic moods.


Although the Moon favors you from the sign of Pisces in your 3rd, it is not a good day to make important decisions because logic will be affected by emotion and on the other hand, with the square of the Moon with Jupiter from your 6th , you will have frivolous moods, over-optimism and recklessness. Your intentions will be pure but they are not enough when they are accompanied by wrong actions. Most of your time will be spent in pleasant but meaningless conversations. In the evening, however, you will see everything more maturely, you will be careful how you express yourself and if you are not sure about what you are thinking, it will be easier for you to remain silent. The fact that problems arise with a sibling or relative will bring you more obligations and responsibilities.


Your mood will go through contradictory phases and various stages with the Moon in the sign of Pisces in your 2nd. To begin with, with the Moon square to Jupiter in your 5th, you will be free-spirited, extravagant, giving, frivolous like a child, and easy-going. You will give and receive gifts and make sure to have fun without dealing with serious issues, however, the night the Moon forms its conjunction with retrograde Saturn, you will be caught up in insecurities and miseries and it is not enough that it will come out of your nose the good mood of the day, you will make sure to take it out of the nose and on your own people with your stinginess. You will become calculating and self-interested, as a result of which issues will arise in your relationships. You weren’t a double personality either.


After an introverted two days, today with the Moon in your sign, on your 1st, you feel like you want to express your personality and put yourself first. This is not negative, however with the Moon square to Jupiter from your 4th, you will do it to an excessive degree and this can bring problems to your family, which otherwise to some extent will make sure to cheer you up . In the event that someone displeases you with your attitude, with the conjunction of the Moon and Saturn in your 1st, you will make sure to take on obligations and duties, but who will listen to your criticism… The truth is that you will bring out resentments, empathies , coldness and to “punish” them you will try to withdraw by making your displeasure obvious.

Source: astrology.gr

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#Zodiac #signs #Sagittarius #mood #humor #express #feelings #careful #face #difficult #situations



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