In snow-covered Klaipėda – a sensitive story of a dog that fell into a ditch

Solveiga, a resident of Klaipėda district, brought the puppy from the reclamation ditch to the shelter “Būk mano ruagas” on Monday.

In the village of Trušeliai, in the suburbs of Klaipėda, she saw something blackening in the ditch among the bushes.

“A ditch, but I’d call it a complete death loop, because the ditch dug is so deep that not only a pet but a child can get in trouble there.” It’s a funny job for the car to slip,” Solveiga told the portal.

VšĮ “Būk mano präugas” photo./The puppy pulled out of the pusni had to be warmed for a long time.

She stopped when she saw something moving in the white snow. She saw a pitifully squealing puppy in the ditch. The quadruped had neither a collar nor was it chipped.

“He was clinging to the snow, pacing back and forth, squealing in pain. Completely losing his last strength, it was betrayed by his stretched out tongue,” said the woman.

The dog did not respond to the invitation at all. He just squealed piteously as he walked back and forth.

The woman said that there was no way she could have pulled him out by herself: if she had crawled into the ditch, she wouldn’t have been able to get out herself.

He started looking for help. Soon another car stopped. When the man got out, he asked what help was needed and called the construction workers who were working nearby.

“Two guys rushed to help, one got down, grabbed the puppy in his arms, carried him outside and put him in my car,” Solveiga said.

She took the rescued puppy to the shelter of the public institution “Be my friend”.

“The puppy was crying piteously all the way, and tears were rolling down my cheeks from the pain,” said the woman from Klaipėda. She thanked fate that she noticed the puppy that day and that there were people who helped to save it.

The warehouse is a chasing bitch

Galina Kučinskienė, head of the public institution “Būk mano raugaas”, said that the dog was very weak and would not have been able to get out of the ditch on its own.

He spent some time at the vets. They found that the dog is 6-7 years old. “We are glad that the blood tests are good. The dog eats willingly, but it will take time for him to recover,” said the head of the shelter.

A few days ago, the volunteers of the shelter were informed about a bitch chasing in Girkaliai. “When we arrived, we found the dog frozen, one cub was dead. We were told that the puppy was thrown into those warehouses by someone who came by car,” said G. Kučinskienė.

According to her, stray dogs are always plentiful. But outside, all stories are extremely sensitive.

#snowcovered #Klaipėda #sensitive #story #dog #fell #ditch
2024-07-27 20:59:07



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