Real estate: Price increases corresponding to 2.8 years of work 2024-07-27 14:38:58

Expectedly, the largest increases in the value of purchases and sales are again observed in the areas where the Golden Visa limit did not change, which is where the interest of foreign investors is concentrated.

According to a related survey by GREEN Estate (TOPO GES IKE), in 2023, in most areas of Attica, the number of sales increased. The areas where last year had the biggest increases in the number of sales, in 2023 they showed a decrease, such as the Argosaronic Islands and the Cyclades. The exception is the Municipality of Athens, where the increase in sales continues with the same intensity. The research also calculates the changes in the value of the most expensive and cheapest average houses in relation to the basic salary (€830) and the average salary according to the data of the annual report of ERGANI for 2023 (€1,250).


Areas with the most expensive median home are found to have increased in value in 2023, on average of the 20 most expensive, by 2.8 years of work for a basic wage earner and by 1.9 years for a median wage earner according to ERGANI. Correspondingly for the cheapest areas, 8 months of work for someone working on the basic wage and 5.5 months on the average wage.

In Piraeus the increase in sales reaches 47% and the value 102%, in the Western Suburbs 25% and 66% and in the Suburbs of Piraeus 11% and 35% respectively. As expected, Glyfada and 3B lead the race for the most expensive areas. Especially for Glyfada, it is also the runner-up in the increase in value with a percentage of 42%. The trio is completed with the Municipality of Filothei-Psychiko, where the values ​​are stabilizing and for this reason it is starting to be threatened by the Municipality of Alimos, the Municipality of Hellinikon-Argyroupoli and the Municipality of Palaio Faliro, whose value increases are running at 29%, 28% and 14% respectively

#Real #estate #Price #increases #years #work



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