MM Forum: Globoplay on Apple TV, download thousands of photos from iCloud and more!

2024-07-27 12:00:00

Weekly, our moderator Marcelo Melo select five topics that are currently trending MM Forum to be highlighted here.

Topics are chosen based on our best judgment, the number of responses, the topicality of the topic, and/or how useful they may be to the general public.

Let’s go to this week’s links?

Globoplay Apple TV Felipe or Augusto41Download 32,000 photos from iCloudLeonardo Alves Monteiro35Apple Watch 9 Draining a lot of battery Without using itSilvio Ramos7MBP M2 PRO – Restarts by itself with panic report (cpu 6 caller 0xfffffe002b29caa8) Hefler3Is there a concern about battery when using Apple AI? Since it is local and therefore will use the device’s processing power…Cucobr2
Topic Author Answers

Happy discussions, everyone! 😉

#Forum #Globoplay #Apple #download #thousands #photos #iCloud



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