How does the attack affect the vote in the US?

How does the attack affect the vote in the US?

A Donald Trump He has three and a half months left to do what he does best and the failed attack who wounded him on Saturday during a political event in Pennsylvania gave him the card he needed to pave the way for his return to the White House, because his image of “martyr” It helps him to build a mysticism that he lacked, because The attack will influence the vote in the United Statesthey think international analysts

The political violence that broke out this weekend in the United States seems to put an end to a campaign that had not officially beguntipping the scales to one side for reasons expounded by political scientists such as Douglas Brinkley, Washington Post.

Now can present itself to the electorate as a victim persecuted by justice, but also His raised fist, his bloody face, makes him a kind of martyr. for his Republican followers.

TO UNDERSTAND BETTER READ: Who was Trump’s attacker, identified by the FBI? This is known

Trump, a “martyr” after the attack: Erick Fajardo

“The perception of what happened yesterday made him a martyr. We never knew what happened in 1963 with the murder of John F. Kennedy And the political establishment probably won’t let us know what happened on Saturday, but this is going to make Trump a martyr for conservatives,” he told TN the international analyst Erick Fajardo, graduate of George Washington University.

And what happened during his last rally is the terrain in which the former president feels most comfortable.

Now another, much more complex and polarized, begins, where Trump has everything to win against a weak rival like Joe Biden, who is resisting growing internal pressure to back down from his candidacy.

Trump’s reaction after the attack: the campaign image

Trump had a huge political reaction. After being shot in the ear, he crouched down and stood up again with his fist raised and blood on his face.

As he was being removed from the stage by his bodyguards, it is clearly seen that in his the word “fight” is drawn on the mouth and that will be the campaign photo from now until November 5th.

“Las images taken immediately after the shooting will likely become iconic“said Rice University presidential historian, Douglas Brinkleyal Washington Post.

How does the attack affect the vote in the US?

“There is something about the American spirit that people like to see: strength and courage under pressure, and the fact that Trump raised his fist will become a new symbol,” he said.

“By surviving an assassination attempt, you become a martyr”: Douglas Brinkley

But Brinkley goes further and leaves little room for doubt. “By surviving an assassination attempt, you become a martyr, because you get a wave of public sympathy“He said. It happened to former President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

Many are already beginning to compare him to former Republican President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-09). Three years after leaving the White House, he tried to return to power and at an event in Milwaukee, where paradoxically the Republican convention that will anoint Trump as its presidential candidate will begin on Monday, he was shot in the chest.

Roosevelt, wounded, continued his speech. “It takes more than a bullet to kill a bull moose,” he cried. He was then taken to the hospital.

Trump’s attack will benefit him with votes heading into the election

He analyst American politician Steve Schmidthabitual Critic of the tycoon Republican, was the first to make the comparison.

“Las The political consequences of this assassination attempt will be immense and will benefit Trump, who just shot back exactly like Teddy Roosevelt did,” he wrote on his X account.

The caveat is that Roosevelt lost the election that same year to his rival Woodrow Wilson. And today, few doubt that Trump will be the next president of the United States.

“The independent vote leans towards Trump”

For his part, Erick Fajardo, a graduate of George Washington University, told TN that even before the failed attack “Biden’s perception of inability It was the conclusive data of the elections and it meant a definitive migration of the independent vote on the Democratic side.”

“The logic of liberal democracy indicates that the independent vote was no longer for Biden and that is the vote that defined the last elections in the country,” he said.

But Failed attack on Trump will also have a direct impact on the Republican basebecause it will unify it.

“Until nowthe party was divided and there were those who thought that Trump was not the best candidate. Now, there will be a unified party who will close ranks around his candidate,” said Erick Fajardo.

#attack #affect #vote
2024-07-27 12:07:09



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