Áron Szilágyi for the fourth time? And that’s just the beginning!

– Áron Szilágyi is the Messi or Ronaldo of fencing, as you like, it’s a great experience to see him – this is how the three-time Olympic champion described his excellence in the Origó, Magyar Nemzet and Bors podcast programs by Géza Imre, who is also a fencing classic, two silver and two bronze medals each won in dueling at the Olympics.

For the sake of historical authenticity: Szilágyi is already the only male fencer who won three Olympics in a row. Among the women, the Italian Valentina Vezzali can boast the same in fencing, and she also won three gold medals as a team. With the fourth success, Szilágyi can also enter another elite group, there are only six figures in Olympic history who triumphed at four consecutive Olympics.

Áron Szilágyi is therefore in the center of attention. Does the burden of being a prospect weigh him down?

I don’t know a fencer who is able to focus on the given task as much as he does

Géza Imre said about Szilágyi.

Szilágyi: Confidence is indispensable

Áron Szilágyi himself gave before the departure interviewin which he said that they tried to move out of their comfort zone during training and shared a piece of wisdom with us: Confidence is essential at the Olympics.

In the program, of course, the Decsi thing was mentioned, that instead of Tamás Decsi, Krisztián Rabb joined the sword team almost at the last moment. This decision also divides the participants of the conversation.

According to Imre Géza, a professional decision was made, and Szilágyi has already overcome this.

The fencing competitions will start on Saturday with the men’s sword (alongside Szilágyi, András Szatmári and Csanád Gémesi) and the women’s dueling individual (Eszter Muhari), and there will be plenty of competition in the continuation.



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