Green deal, Dems already aligned. And Decaro promises the “green” ideology –

Christian Campigli

Taxes, taxes and more taxes. The Italian left never fails to disappoint. And, thanks to the European turnaround, it is back to riding the worst nightmare of Italians: the green revolution. A ploy to massacre motorists and property owners. A sort of wealth tax disguised as a tax to save the world. Without disturbing China, let it be clear. Antonio Decaro, recently elected president of the Environment Committee of the European Parliament, did not mince his words to reiterate his green delirium. “In the wake of what has been done, we will continue to provide answers to the many daily emergencies related to the issues that we will address in the Envi Committee for the environment, public health and food safety. But we must not lose sight of the sense of the extraordinary challenges that we are called to face. It is not only the future of our continent that is at stake but a new global approach to the resource planet”.

Pd-M5S Red Square Half-Empty and Without a Center. Behind the Scenes of the Flop

It is worth remembering how the (left-wing) ideas of the Greens and the Democratic Party translate into a real bloodbath for Italian families. Thirty thousand euros according to some scholars, well over fifty thousand according to others. “The goal of fully achieving the new Green Deal is certainly an ambitious challenge, but not impossible, as is the challenge of food safety and public health – continued Decaro – We must work for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system to redefine relationships with health, production, trade and the fight against waste and food poverty. Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen spoke about the Mediterranean Sea, we in the Envi commission will talk about the fact that in 2023 it was precisely the Mare Nostrum that warmed the most in the world”. But how can we concretely reach the levels proposed by the Democratic Party representative? “We will address the issue of the green transition by guaranteeing public investments and stimulating private ones on a large scale. The most ambitious commitment will be to combine environmental challenges with the development of new models of sustainable economic and social growth”.

Pd-M5S Red Square Half-Empty and Without a Center. Behind the Scenes of the Flop

Obviously, it is carefully avoided to go into specifics, to explain how the purchase of electric cars, for example, will be completely on the shoulders of citizens. At most, incentives may be granted. Small change, compared to the exorbitant costs of cars that are recharged at the (few) columns (currently available). As per tradition, the reference to public health is inevitable. “We will outline the next steps towards a true European Health Union with policies aimed at security of supply and access to medicines and medical devices. There is no reason and no time to go back. We will be vigilant on the commitments made and we will press the Commission to ensure that there is no hesitation on the commitments made with the future of Europe”. More than a declaration, a real warning: Italians, be ready, the bloodbath is coming.

#Green #deal #Dems #aligned #Decaro #promises #green #ideology #Tempo
2024-07-27 03:51:04



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