Edtstadler wants to “further develop” Geneva Refugee Convention

The convention does not do justice to the current migration situation because it comes from a “pre-globalized time,” said Edtstadler in an interview with the “Standard” (Saturday edition).

The EU migration pact must be followed by further steps, such as asylum procedures in third countries, demanded the minister. Edtstadler remained cautious about the ongoing speculation about Austria’s EU commissioner appointment, but did not explicitly rule out a departure to Brussels. Edtstadler also warned against an FPÖ chancellorship under Herbert Kickl, which would threaten Austria with “an absolute loss of reputation in Europe and beyond”. A Chancellor Kickl could delay and prevent things in the EU.

“But not just old men”

In the USA, the minister fears an end to liberal democracy if Donald Trump is elected for a second term, but sees “positive developments” with the candidacy of Kamala Harris. “It’s not just old men who are competing against each other now. I trust her to turn things around,” said Edtstadler about the designated Democratic presidential candidate.


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