Spirtzis for Polakis: Deletion is not a solution – 2024-07-27 01:26:02

Peloponnese Newsroom

Christos Spirtzis, speaking on Attica TV, referred to the deletion of Pavlos Polakis and the following day to SYRIZA.

As he noted, “deletions are not a solution as “these conflicts must be resolved through political condemnation and dialogue”. At the same time, he also spoke about the future of the party, in which – as he pointed out – “Alexis Tsipras can play a role”.

Regarding the division in SYRIZA regarding the case of Pavlos Polakis, Christos Spirtzis emphasized that “anyone who contributes to this kind of behavior and functions is doing the worst service to the political system and to our political space. It is not possible for Stefanos Kasselakis to insult the members of the Political Secretariat too many times, which was done in the previous meeting. If you nurture these kinds of practices and attitudes in your bosom, it is to be expected that it will happen later in Parliament or outside in society.”

“We have a government that is collapsing because of its policies from the Greek people and Greek society and we have an opposition that does not have a trace of seriousness, it deals with its internal party problems and the issues are not highlighted. So no party is the alternative for governing the country,” he said, among other things.

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#Spirtzis #Polakis #Deletion #solution



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