Aragua’s first “City of Peace” installed in Girardot

The “City of Peace”, a harmonious meeting place where ecology, music, animalism, culture, sport and entrepreneurship come together, was installed for the enjoyment of the entire population on Wednesday, July 24, in the renovated Plaza del Estudiante.

Together with the President of the Digital Bank of Workers and the Emprender Juntos Platform, Sergio Lotartaro, the regional leader Karina Carpio and Mayor Rafael Morales thanked President Nicolás Maduro for the initiative to establish and consolidate these types of spaces in different places in Venezuela under this vision of peace and construction of values ​​for a new society.

Governor Karina Carpio said she was delighted with this initiative: “Here we can see the Venezuela that is reborn, that is greening, the real economy, where we give encouragement and support to entrepreneurs, where we promote peace, recreation, sports in a beautiful environment.”

For his part, the Director of the Emprender Juntos Platform, Sergio Lotartaro, said that this Ciudad de Paz event has been touring different points of the national territory “during this week we were in the states of Olivar, Carabobo, Miranda and now in the state of Aragua”. Meanwhile, the municipal leader Rafael Morales, said he was pleased to develop the activities offered by the Ciudad de Paz, “here everything that our entrepreneurs can do is promoted and shown, and an excellent option for sharing and family recreation”.

The activity took place in the recently renovated and inaugurated Plaza Del Estudiante, located in the Andrés Eloy Blanco Parish, which has become an extraordinary place where important infrastructure adjustments and modernization of all its areas have been made, generating ideal conditions for recreation, physical activity, sports, culture and good living for the inhabitants of the capital of Aragon.

Musical performances by local bands, inflatable mattresses, a showcase of entrepreneurs registered on the “Emprender Juntos” platform, the Nevado Mission for the care and adoption of companion animals and institutions such as the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism, with ecosocialist initiatives were part of the attractions of the City of Peace.

Press release

#Araguas #City #Peace #installed #Girardot
2024-07-26 20:15:12



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