National tangible exports exceed 1.6 billion dollars at the end of June

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The report from the Intelligence Directorate of the Vice Ministry of Rediex, which is dependent on the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, indicates that shipments of the seven platforms of tangible products reached USD 1,603 million in the first half of 2024. This figure is equivalent to about USD 47 million more than that recorded in the same period last year, according to official data.

According to these data, exports under the meat, food, forestry and floriculture platforms, together with textiles, biofuels, auto parts and chemical-pharmaceutical products, closed the first half of the year with positive numbers.

These seven national tangible platforms totaled USD 1,603 million, with a positive variation of 3% compared to the USD 1,556 achieved in the same semester of 2023.

In this context, the meat and derivatives platform had an increase of 1.6% in the first half of the year, worth USD 897 million; while food totaled USD 182 million, equivalent to a 6.9% increase.

Another sector that registered a good performance at the end of April was the textile and clothing sector, with an increase of 7%, totaling USD 144 million. The auto parts, assembly and chemical-pharmaceutical platforms also increased by 11% and 14%, respectively, the report adds.

As for tangible exports, plus electric energy, they totaled USD 6,017 million in the first six months of the year, with a positive variation of 2.6% compared to the same period of the previous year, when the value reached USD 5,863 million.

As of June, the seven tangible product platforms reached exports of USD 1,603 million, which is equivalent to an increase of 3.0% compared to the same period in 2023, compared to an increase of 3.9% in other tangible exports. In total, national exports have grown by 2.6%, according to the report from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

#National #tangible #exports #exceed #billion #dollars #June
2024-07-26 18:11:48



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