People’s Leaders Expected to be Born from Regional Elections – 2024-07-26 16:16:59

2024 Election Ballot Boxes (Antara)

The 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections are expected to produce leaders who are close to the people. The regional elections are an important momentum that determines the direction of development and public welfare in the future.

Political Communication Expert Benny Susetyo said the direct election system is part of a democratic system to ensure that the people’s voices are truly heard and appreciated. However, the journey of democracy in Indonesia is still full of challenges.

“One of the biggest issues is ensuring that this democracy is not tainted by falsehood. The elected leader must truly have a people’s soul, be able to prosper his people, and not just fill a position of power,” said Benny in his official statement, quoted Friday (26/7).

True democracy requires integrity and commitment to fight for the interests of the people. A people-oriented leader is a leader who understands and feels the needs and aspirations of his people.

“They are not just leaders who are in the ivory tower of power, but leaders who go down to the field, listen to the people’s complaints, and work hard to improve their living conditions,” he added.

Leaders like this, he continued, are able to open up employment opportunities, improve people’s lives, and develop local potential. However, more than that, leaders with a people’s soul must be able to think globally and act locally. They must understand global dynamics and how they affect the lives of local people.

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He also said that leaders must be able to integrate relevant global policies with local contexts to create effective and sustainable solutions. One important aspect of a sovereign democracy is fighting for people’s health and social justice.

“Bung Karno, in his teachings, emphasized that democracy will not run well if the socio-economic conditions of the people are low. This idea remains relevant today. The welfare of the people is the foundation of a strong and stable democracy,” he said.

Indonesia, as a country with a large population, faces major challenges in overcoming poverty and economic inequality. Many Indonesians still live in poverty, work hard for others, and do not have adequate access to education, health, and economic opportunities.

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“This condition shows that the struggle to realize true democracy is still long. The role of mass media and organizations in supporting the teachings of Marhaenism is very important,” he said.

The mass media must serve as a critical watchdog of government policies and as a platform to voice the aspirations of the people. Civil society organizations must also be active in fighting for the rights of the people and ensuring that their interests are not ignored.

“To build a strong democracy, education and economic empowerment must be top priorities,” he explained.

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A leader must have the ability to mobilize his people, build a spirit of mutual cooperation, and work hard to achieve common goals. An effective leader is a leader who is able to inspire and motivate people to actively participate in the development of their region.

“Leaders must also compete to provide the best for their people. They must compete in terms of innovation, public service, and achieving public welfare,” he added.

Healthy competition between leaders, he explained, will encourage improvements in the quality of government and public services. The public must also be aware that quality democracy will only be realized if they actively participate in the political process. They must use their voting rights wisely, choosing leaders who are truly committed to fighting for the interests of the people.

“The public must be critical of political promises and not easily influenced by money politics. Public participation in the democratic process is not only in the form of elections, but also in monitoring and evaluating government performance. The public must dare to voice their dissatisfaction if government policies are not in accordance with the interests of the people. They must be active in public discussions, provide constructive input, and work together with the government to achieve common goals,” he explained. (Z-8)

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