A young Yemeni teenager drank a cup of clove infusion on an empty stomach, and after 7 days she was surprised by what happened to her body.. A recent scientific study revealed the secret?

Thursday, July 25, 2024 12:11 PM

Thank you for your interest in the news regarding a flight attendant who has sparked attention in the Kingdom with her revelations about life on airline flights. Saudi Arabia Now with the details.

Aden – Yasmine Abdel-Azim – A young Yemeni woman drank a cup of clove infusion on an empty stomach, and after 7 days, she was astonished by the changes in her body. A recent scientific study has uncovered the secret.

This report reviews

  • A variety of health benefits that cloves can offer when added to the diet, as stated on the “Healthline” website.
  • Cloves, recognized as a sweet and aromatic spice, have also been utilized in traditional medicine. Animal studies indicate that compounds in cloves may provide numerous health benefits, including support for liver function and assistance in stabilizing blood sugar levels.

*Contains important nutrients

  • Cloves are a source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making the use of whole or ground cloves to enhance food flavor a beneficial way to acquire essential nutrients. One teaspoon (2 grams) of ground cloves contains 6 calories, 1 gram of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, and 55% of the Daily Value for manganese.

*Contains a high percentage of antioxidants

  • Research indicates that cloves are rich in antioxidants. Cloves include a compound known as eugenol, which has been shown to serve as a natural antioxidant. A study in test tubes found that eugenol can prevent oxidative damage caused by free radicals five times more effectively than vitamin E, another powerful antioxidant.
  • *Helps protect against cancer
  • Some studies suggest that compounds present in cloves may help guard against cancer. One test-tube study found that clove extract inhibited tumor growth and triggered cell death in cancer cells.
  • Another test-tube study reported similar findings, indicating that concentrated doses of clove oil resulted in cell death in 80% of esophageal cancer cells. Eugenol, a component of cloves, has also been found to exhibit anti-cancer properties.
  • A test-tube study demonstrated that eugenol promoted the death of cervical cancer cells; however, it is important to use high concentrations of clove extract, clove oil, and eugenol, as excessive amounts can be toxic and may cause liver damage, particularly in children.

*Can kill bacteria

  • Cloves have been shown to exhibit antimicrobial properties, meaning they can inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria. One test-tube study revealed that clove essential oil killed three common bacteria types, including E. coli, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning.
  • The antibacterial properties of cloves can also aid in promoting oral health. Another study involving 40 participants assessed the effects of an herbal mouthwash made from tea tree oil, cloves, and basil.
  • After 21 days of using the herbal mouthwash, participants saw an improvement in gum health as well as a reduction in plaque and bacteria in their mouths, in conjunction with regular tooth brushing.

*Improves liver health

  • Studies indicate that beneficial compounds found in cloves can promote liver health. An animal study revealed that eugenol present in cloves helped reverse indications of liver fibrosis, or scarring of the liver.

*Helps regulate blood sugar levels.

  • Research demonstrates that compounds in cloves may assist in regulating blood sugar. An animal study found that clove extract contributed to increased blood sugar levels in diabetic rats.

*Promotes bone health

  • Low bone mass affects approximately 43 million older adults in the United States alone. This condition can lead to osteoporosis, increasing the risk of fractures.
  • An animal study found that clove extract high in eugenol improved several markers associated with osteoporosis and enhanced bone density and strength.
  • Cloves are also rich in manganese, providing 30% of the daily value in one teaspoon (2 grams) of ground cloves. Manganese is a mineral vital for bone formation and overall bone health.

*Reduces stomach ulcers

  • Some research suggests that compounds in cloves may help treat stomach ulcers, also known as peptic ulcers, which are painful sores that develop in the lining of the stomach, duodenum, or esophagus.

One animal study indicated that clove essential oil boosts the production of gastric mucus, which acts as a protective barrier that helps prevent the erosion of the stomach lining by digestive acids.

Another animal study reported that clove extract assisted in treating stomach ulcers, demonstrating effects comparable to many anti-ulcer medications.

Related news:

Unlocking the Power of Cloves: Surprising Health Benefits and Uses

Thank you for reading and your interest in the news about a flight attendant who ignited the Kingdom with what she revealed about what happens on board airline planes. Saudi Arabia Now with the details.

Aden – Yasmine Abdel-Azim – A Yemeni girl in the prime of her life drank one cup of clove infusion on an empty stomach, and after 7 days, she was surprised by what happened to her body. A recent scientific study revealed the secret.

Health Benefits of Cloves

Cloves are a sweet and aromatic spice used extensively in culinary applications and traditional medicine. Here are some remarkable health benefits of incorporating cloves into your diet:

1. Nutritional Powerhouse

  • Rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals
  • One teaspoon (2 grams) of ground cloves contains:
    • 6 calories
    • 1 gram of carbohydrates
    • 1 gram of fiber
    • 55% of the Daily Value for manganese

2. High Antioxidant Content

  • Cloves are packed with antioxidants, particularly eugenol, which protects the body from oxidative damage.
  • A test-tube study found that eugenol inhibits oxidative damage five times more effectively than vitamin E.

3. Cancer Protection

  • Compounds found in cloves, especially eugenol, may help prevent the growth of certain types of tumors.
  • Test-tube studies indicate that clove extract can promote cell death in cancer cells, including esophageal and cervical cancers.
  • However, high concentrations of eugenol can be toxic, so moderation is key.

4. Antimicrobial Properties

  • Cloves possess strong antimicrobial properties that can inhibit the growth of bacteria like E. coli.
  • Regular use of clove-based mouthwash can enhance oral health by improving gum health and reducing plaque.

5. Supports Liver Health

  • Studies suggest that eugenol can help reverse liver fibrosis and promote overall liver health.

6. Blood Sugar Regulation

  • Research indicates that compounds in cloves can aid in controlling blood sugar levels.
  • An animal study found that clove extract could effectively lower blood sugar in diabetic rats.

7. Bone Health Benefits

  • Cloves are beneficial for bone health due to their high manganese content, which is crucial for bone formation.
  • Studies show that clove extract may improve bone density and strength.

8. Stomach Ulcer Relief

  • Cloves may help in the treatment of peptic ulcers by increasing gastric mucus production.
  • Animal studies suggest that clove extracts can effectively decrease symptoms of stomach ulcers.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Cloves into Your Diet

  • Add ground cloves to your smoothies or oatmeal for a flavor boost.
  • Use clove-infused oil for cooking or salad dressings.
  • Prepare a warm clove tea by steeping whole cloves in hot water; sweeten with honey or lemon if desired.
  • Integrate cloves into baked goods like cookies or pies for added spice.

Case Studies: Real-Life Experiences

Many individuals have shared positive experiences after integrating cloves into their wellness routines. Here are two case studies:

Case Study 1: Improved Digestion

Emma, a 30-year-old health enthusiast, started drinking clove tea daily. After just a week, she noticed improved digestion and a decrease in bloating.

Case Study 2: Enhanced Immune Response

John, a 45-year-old educator, added cloves to his diet during flu season. He observed fewer instances of common colds compared to previous years, attributing this to the strong antimicrobial properties of cloves.

Key Takeaways

Benefit Key Component
Nutrient-Rich Manganese, fiber, vitamins
Antioxidant Protection Eugenol
Cancer Defense Concentrated clove extracts
Gut Health Antimicrobial properties
Liver Support Eugenol
Blood Sugar Control Clove extract
Bone Strength Manganese
Stomach Health Gastric mucus production



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