Dominican Republic strengthens security measures in response to possible cases of anthrax in Haiti

The Dominican Republic has implemented preventive measures due to suspected cases of anthrax in Haiti. However, so far, the local Ministry of Health has indicated that there is no diagnostic confirmation of the disease in the neighboring country.

Dominican authorities, in collaboration with the Ministry of Defense, have implemented security protocols at the border to prevent “any possible spread of the disease.”

Possible cases of anthrax in Haiti

According to a statement from the Ministry of Health, strict sanitary controls will be implemented and epidemiological surveillance will be intensified in the border area.

These actions are being implemented “in response to clinical suspicions of possible cases of anthrax” although “so far there is no diagnostic confirmation of the disease,” the note states.

In this context, the Ministry of Health assured that it maintains “constant” communication with international organizations, such as the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located in Haiti.

These entities have indicated that, to date, there have been no confirmed cases of anthrax, an infectious disease, in the region, and that current suspicions are based solely on initial clinical evaluations.

The anthrax bacterium, once used as a biological weapon, can be deadly and affects both humans and livestock.

This zoonosis can be transmitted to humans by respiratory route, through consumption of infected meat and through wounds in the skin, but it is not spread from person to person.

(With information from EFE)

Possible cases of anthrax in Haiti.
  anthrax cases in haiti
Possible cases of anthrax in Haiti.

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#Dominican #Republic #strengthens #security #measures #response #cases #anthrax #Haiti
2024-07-26 13:25:28



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