Amaliada: The twins who excelled in the 2024 Panhellenic exams – 2024-07-26 07:45:58

Amaliada: The twins who excelled in the 2024 Panhellenic exams
 – 2024-07-26 07:45:58

Smiles of success were reserved by Panhellenic Examinations 2024 for oArvanitis family in Ilia, whose members saw them twins Aspasia and Niki-Melina achieve their dreams and enter the schools of their choice, showing in this way that with dedication and adherence to a program you can achieve any goal you set in life.

Their parents only feel pride after the announcement of the bases. Their twin daughters were able to study together and achieve great scores that got them into the schools they had set as their first goal. Certainly their success did not only make them and their families happy, but also the teachers at their schools and the tutoring center.

Aspasia, student of the 2nd EPAL of Amaliadawith the impressive performance of 19,420 molecules achieved her entry into Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of West Attica and in fact being 1st in all of Greece. Indeed, he stated the following:

“I went to my first choice, the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of West Attica. Although the results were expected, I can’t hide my joy and excitement for me and my twin sister that we managed to get through to our first choice, in the same city where our older sister is studying. We wish all the children good careers!”

In particular, she said: “I am very excited as I pass to my first choice, which is the Department of Psychology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The relief and joy that both my twin sister and I feel, as well as our family, is indescribable. Despite the difficulty of this year, our efforts were rewarded! I wish all the children good careers!”


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