Law, Health and Society – No. 2024/2 – No. 6 – Cybersecurity in health

2024-07-09 22:00:00
Page 3: Bénédicte Bévière-Boyer – Some thoughts on health cyber security | Pages 4 to 11: Alexandre Lodie – Health data cyber security and personal data protection law | Pages 12 to 19: Theodoros Karathanasis – Health and cyber Artificial intelligence in road safety: a European framework under construction | Pages 20 to 25: Margo Bernelin – Data anonymization and cyber security in health: Hesitation? | Pages 26 to 33: Guillaume Gautreau – Cybercrime in health: response to “exploitware” | Pages 34 to 38: Sarah Porcher – The insurability of health cyber risks | Pages 39 to 44: Christophe Denis – The contribution of philosophy and epistemology to the implementation of healthy cyber security policies | Page 45: Christian Baeck – Book review.
#Law #Health #Society #Cybersecurity #health



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