They revealed how Demi Moore and Bruce Willis’ family are coping with the progression of his illness

The environment of Bruce Willis accompanies the actor who is suffering from a disease called frontotemporal dementiaa progressive neurodegenerative disorder. A few weeks ago, it was revealed that he has lost the ability to speak, but his family is always with him and they do not miss the opportunity to talk: “They can tell with a glance what he is trying to say.”

Two years ago he retired from acting because he began to have the first symptoms of aphasia, then it progressed to what he currently suffers from and Since it is a disease that has no cure, it can be controlled, but over time it will progress.

Bruce Willis Demi Moore

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Since they received the news, the family acted together and were at the actor’s disposal at all times. Not only his wife, Emma Hemming, but also Demi Moore, his ex-partner. His daughters were also there and accompanied him at all times.

The media In Touch, assured that Demi promised to stay until the end: “The actress’s heart aches seeing Willis in the midst of his terrible illness. Bruce’s dementia is progressing.”

“Demi knows that time is running out. Bruce has speech problems and is unable to communicate. Today, his family can tell with a glance what he is trying to say and what he needs,” they added.



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