Alexis Georgoulis denies the publication about the criminal prosecution against him – 2024-07-26 03:10:59

“I want you to respect the truth and my presumption of innocence,” Alexis Georgoulis said in a statement regarding a newspaper article that wanted him to be prosecuted for bodily harm and rape against a member of the Political Council of PASOK in 2020.

The former MEP of SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance, Alexis Georgoulis, categorically denied the publication of the Journal of Editors, which stated that the Brussels Prosecutor recommended criminal prosecution against him for the rape case.

In his statement he said that no criminal charges have been brought against him and that news that is not based on the truth has serious consequences for his personality.

The statement of Alexis Georgoulis
“At this time, no criminal charges have been brought against me by the authorities and I am not accused of any crime and I ask you to respect the truth and the presumption of innocence as the reproduction of inaccurate news has irreparable consequences for my personality” , said the former SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance MEP.

The publication stated that the recommendation of the Prosecutor was submitted to the special court, which will decide the final filing of charges and the date of the first trial.

This date was set for June 26, 2024, but one day before Alexis Georgoulis requested a postponement with the trial being moved to November or December.

The complaint
The then legal advisor to the Commission and member of the Political Council of PASOK, had reported to Alexis Georgoulis for rape and bodily harm in 2020.

Although she initially did not reveal his name, she later confirmed it in a Facebook post.

In May 2020, she felt ready to speak to the Belgian authorities.

“The publication of the event at this particular time was made following the official request of the Belgian authorities to lift the MEP’s immunity after a thorough examination of the case,” he said and emphasized that the leak of her name was done without her consent.

Alexis Georgoulis denied the accusation from the first moment, although the case became so big that SYRIZA deleted him from its list of MEPs in April 2023.

#Alexis #Georgoulis #denies #publication #criminal #prosecution



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