Another embassy closure in Cuba, zero parole and no more flights to the provinces? 2024-07-25 22:59:58

Donald Trump’s re-election as president of the United States is gaining strength, after his failed assassination and the chaos on the Democratic side at this time. For Cuba, the return of the Republican to power would not be good news, and some Cubans are even wondering if there will be another embassy closure, the elimination of parole or the cutting of flights from Miami to the provinces.

During his election campaign, the tycoon promised to crack down on illegal immigration, which is why many Cubans in the United States with deportation orders fear that there will be no “warm towels” for them if the Republican returns to the White House.

Miami media confirmed this week that Cubans in Florida with immigration documents I-220A expressed their fear of being deported, following Trump’s recent promise to carry out the “largest deportation effort in history.”

For lawyers specializing in these issues, “the Cuban-American leadership in Florida” will have to explain to Trump that “not all immigrants are undesirable. There are some [inmigrantes] who deserve to be here.”

“Mass deportations will be necessary (…) but not everyone qualifies as undesirable immigrants,” said specialist Ángel Leal.

Trump: parole, embassy, ​​flights to Cuba

But what about the fear that if Trump wins, he would close the Embassy again, zero parole and no more commercial flights to the province? It is true that the demand against Biden’s humanitarian parole came from Republican states and it is very likely that if Trump takes power, he will re-examine this policy of his predecessor, but he should not make decisions lightly. Perhaps it will suit him.

He also promised in a message posted on social media, to be “tough” with the Cuban government, if he returns to power, as many expect. Including Cuban-Americans in Florida. He promised that if he returns to the White House, he would apply a “tough hand” and change the more “relaxed” policy that Joe Biden has maintained so far. “It is not easy, We realize this and we are going to change it“, he confirmed.

Under Trump’s previous term, the Embassy in Havana was closed due to alleged sonic attacks, a situation that was only alleviated with the arrival of Democrat Biden. Although it is unlikely that it will be closed again, what is likely is that the process of more visas and procedures will advance. The staff at the Havana headquarters may stagnate or be reduced.

Only in 2022 did the United States lift restrictions on flights to Cuban provinces, something that charter airlines and American Airlines are doing right now. This measure had also been imposed by Trump during his previous term and it is very likely that he will reinstate it. This is what could happen with Trump, the Embassy, ​​parole and flights to Cuban provinces.

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