Horse Racing Considered to Have High Potential – 2024-07-25 22:19:30

Horse racing(MI/HO)

HORSE RACING has the potential to become a prestigious sport in Indonesia, so that it is starting to be noticed and sought after by the public. Horse racing in Indonesia is seen not only to preserve cultural heritage, but can also contribute significant economic and social benefits.

CEO & Founder of Aryo Djojohadikusumo revealed that the potential of horse racing in Indonesia, especially in the field of sports and lifestyle, is very large. The lack of publicity for this sport has made not many people interested in it.

“Sarga aspires to make Indonesian horse racing a new source of national pride and a promising future for the sport, also collaborating with Pordasi (All Indonesia Equestrian Sports Association) as the official government representative,” explained Aryo.

The horse racing ecosystem in Indonesia can be said to have great opportunities as well as challenges. Actually, horse racing has been around for a long time and is a cultural heritage of Indonesia, but it has not received serious attention. Dissemination of information about horse racing in Indonesia needs to be done both as a culture and a branch of sport. intends to take part in building a healthier and more bona fide ecosystem. This is certainly to be able to attract new horse racing lovers who strengthen and build a more prosperous ecosystem and support professionals.

“We want to offer 360 degrees of development, so not only the event is held, but also the spirit to raise the standard of living of the parties involved, such as jockeys and trainers. Sarga wants to offer more tempting prizes compared to other horse racing events, so as to encourage enthusiasm and support the welfare of many parties,” said Aryo.

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An interesting fact that is not widely known is that equestrian sports itself has four other sports in Indonesia, namely horse racing, equestrian, polo, and horseback archery.

Many people think that horse riding is expensive and can only be enjoyed by the upper class. However, in fact, increasingly, this sport can be enjoyed by all groups.

The presence of aims to break this public opinion, so that equestrian sports, especially horse racing, can be enjoyed by all groups.

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With several times the implementation of activities carried out by, it can be seen that public interest is increasing. Various events with types and economic levels are starting to be held throughout Indonesia.

The public response to this sport tends to increase in a positive direction, so that the push to implement a much better system is a concern for various parties in the future.

This was acknowledged by, with the initial event held only attended by 5,000 spectators with makeshift conditions. Then in the next event with improvements and developments in various things, managed to bring in more than 26,000 spectators. Of course this is thanks to the support of various parties.

Also read: Lack of land, Singapore will abolish horse racing competitions itself collaborates with various parties from the government, BUMN, private industry, and communities in Indonesia.

The previous activity of was held on July 28, 2024, under the title of the National Horse Racing Championship Series 01 Indonesia Derby, in Bantul, Yogyakarta.

The plan is, in 2025, will hold five new events. Each event will present something new and a larger scale, so that the audience and participants enjoy the novelty and excitement.

Not only focusing on organizing championship activities, also provides information related to equestrian sports and horse racing through its official social media, on various platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, and X. (Z-1)

#Horse #Racing #Considered #High #Potential



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