From job cuts to shortages: Upper Austria will be short of 150,000 skilled workers by 2040

The development on the Upper Austrian labor market is currently characterized by negative events: Due to the weak economy, leading companies such as Fronius or Hammerer Aluminium Industries are, as reported, cutting jobs on a large scale.

However, rising unemployment (the rate in Upper Austria is currently 4.2 percent) will not be the biggest challenge for the domestic economy in the view of State Minister for Economic Affairs Markus Achleitner (VP). “Unemployed people are returning to the job market quickly, and companies’ needs are great,” he said on Wednesday. He therefore rejected calls for state short-time work for the time being.

There is an urgent need for action on the issue of the shortage of skilled workers, as shown by the updated Skilled Worker Monitor (, which was created on behalf of the state of Upper Austria. Taking into account data from Statistics Austria, economic forecasts and job advertisements, the German institute WiFOR has calculated the development for Upper Austria. The supply (employees plus job seekers) and the demand for workers will therefore continue to diverge due to demographic change – keyword retirement of the “baby boomer” generation – as economist Sandra Zimmermann explained. The need for skilled workers will be greatest in the central region. In 2040, there could be a shortage of around 17,000 workers in the health and social services sector, and 27,000 in industry and crafts.

State Councillor Achleitner drew the following political conclusions from this: the actual retirement age (currently 61.6 years for men and 60.9 years for women) must be brought closer to the legal age, and working in retirement should be tax-free. Another target group are women, and part-time work should be increased. “In order to meet the demand for skilled workers in the future, we are also dependent on people from third countries,” said Achleitner.


Verena Mitterlechner

Verena Mitterlechner

Verena Mitterlechner


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