This Year, 892 Children Participated in PT Timah’s Free Mass Circumcision – 2024-07-25 20:43:31

Mass circumcision was attended by 892 children. (MI/RENDI F)

PT Timah’s CONSISTENCY in contributing to the community has been going on for a long time. Various social programs that have been presented have
the benefits are felt by the community.

One of the consistent programs carried out by PT Timah is the Month of Service. Mass circumcision, every time the Company’s Anniversary is celebrated, and blood donation.

Around thousands of people have experienced PT Timah’s mass circumcision, because every year the participants in PT Timah’s mass circumcision range from…
600-700 children.

Welcoming its 48th anniversary, PT Timah’s Month of Service was again held at eight points spread across the Riau Islands Province, Riau Islands Province
Bangka Belitung and Riau Province.

During the implementation of the 2024 Month of Service, a total of 892 children were successfully circumcised, 389 blood bags were collected, and donations were given.
health services through the Health Car as many as 593 to residents. West Bangka Regent Sukirman said that the community was very enthusiastic about participating in this activity and hoped that it could continue.

“Alhamdulillah, thank you PT Timah for holding various events, especially mass circumcision. Hopefully this event will continue and PT Timah will be better. Because the residents are certainly happy and enthusiastic,” said Sukirman. Monday (22/7)

Also read: Blood stock at PMI Tangerang City is running low

At the age of 48, Sukirman hopes that PT Timah will continue to progress so that its impact can be felt to help development in West Bangka.

PMI Bangka Belitung Chairman Abdul Fatah hopes that PT Timah’s Community Service Month is an activity that is in accordance with the needs of the community.

“This activity was carried out according to the community’s expectations. We hope that this activity will not stop here. It will develop further,” he said.

Also read: Provide Health Benefits for Employees, Metro TV Holds Blood Donation

One of PT Timah’s retired employees, Sain Achmad, said that Bulan Bakti has been held by PT Timah for a long time and repeatedly. Even when he was still working at PT Timah, he was also involved in the Bulan Bakti committee.

Sain said that in the past, all Tin Workers, starting from the Tin Employees Association (IKT), were involved in working together to carry out the Month of Service.

“Balan Bakti is a form of the company’s concern for the community, especially the community in the operational area of ​​PT Timah.
“This activity has been carried out for a long time and has been carried out repeatedly by the company,” said the Treasurer of the Pension Cooperative, Peltim Sejahtera
(KPPS) this.

Also read: Jakarta Fair Holds Blood Donation

Bangka Belitung cultural expert Ahmadi Sofyan explained that PT Timah’s role in contributing to society is fairly consistent.

“I am quite active in monitoring by always following the development of PT Timah Tbk’s activities and programs that directly touch the community, not only in the Timah Anniversary Service Month, but also in other months,” he said.

Not only that, he said, PT Timah has touched various programs such as educational assistance, health, sports, and economics that have become routine programs. “Moreover, with the economic conditions of Bangka Belitung which are still not improving,” he said.

According to Ahmadi, PT Timah Tbk is an important part of the history, culture and social life of the Babel community.

Because the history and culture of Bangka Belitung cannot be separated from the existence of Tin, the existence of PT Timah Tbk must be supported by
all elements of society, especially stakeholder and our community leaders at the time.

“We can see how ornaments, architecture, tools, celebrations, art, clothing and so on are inseparable from the existence of tin. Therefore, the history and culture of Babel cannot be separated from tin,” he concluded. (H-2)

#Year #Children #Participated #Timahs #Free #Mass #Circumcision



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