Kasselakis and Ragousis are out of line: the agreement for Attica Bank-Pagreetia is beneficial 2024-07-25 18:27:05

Speaking to OPEN, Mr. Ragousis emphasized that “SYRIZA should not vote against the merger agreement between Attica Bank and Pancreatia Bank if it wants to be called a party of power”. At the same time, he characterized the agreement for the merger of Attica Bank with Pancreatia Bank as beneficial.

Mr. Ragousis, after referring to the internal parties of SYRIZA, after the Kasselakis episode with the “guard” Tsipras and ahead of the meeting of the party’s Executive Committee in the afternoon, referred to the attitude of the party and its leadership on the issue of the 5th banking pillar.

It is a very serious matter for the Greek economy and the Greek people, in which SYRIZA should have the behavior of a party by virtue of power”, said Yannis Ragousis, regarding the merger of Attica Bank and Pankritia. As he said, “SYRIZA was a party of power, it ruled Greece and expects to rule Greece again. When you are a party in power you must, especially in matters of major importance, you must not position yourself with an oppositional bias” and gave the example of defense spending. Speaking about the developments in the banking sector, “the first is that this is a very serious matter for Greek society and economy”, argued Mr. Ragousis. “We remember the bankruptcy case of Lehman Brothers in 2008. My opinion is that Attica and Pankritia, if this deal does not go ahead, then there will be two Lehman Brothers at the foundation of the banking system,” he added.

In this direction, with the sole focus of the interest of the Greek people, depositors and workers, this is an agreement, especially a party that has governed, cannot, in my opinion, lightly vote against it, commented Yannis Ragousis.

At the same time, the executive of SYRIZA made it known that “the matter has not come up for discussion neither in the party bodies, nor in the KO”. When we discussed the case of black funds, a draft text came to the last meeting of the Political Secretariat and “there I had the opportunity to express my different opinion”, noted Mr. Ragousis.

“I did not find any argument or any evidence that would detract from the great importance for the Greek people of the agreement,” continued Mr. Ragousis, adding that “the agreement is beneficial” with the only reservation that it is proposed by the specific government, at the moment that “Mr. Karameros did not say that SYRIZA is voting against, he said that SYRIZA is reserving” remarked the former Minister. “I want to hope that this agreement from a party in power will not vote against it,” he concluded.

SYRIZA: “Leave, go somewhere else…” Kasselakis was shouting at them

SYRIZA is reminiscent of a summer review issue, with the constant backbiting of Stefanos Kasselakis, who seems unable to bear the weight of the critical period for his party.

Those who took part in yesterday’s online meeting of the CEEC described a moody, unprovoked, outburst by the president, who intervened by interrupting Mrs. Poulos, to answer Mr. Famello and Gerovasilis who earlier (although Mr. Kasselakis had not heard them) had raised the issue of moving the Conference after mid-October, so that it would not coincide. “Go to PASOK. These are logics for liquidating SYRIZA,” Mr. Kasselakis began to shout, pointing to the way out, with phrases such as “whoever likes it, whoever doesn’t like it can leave. End” etc.

It is recalled that officials such as the president of K.O. Sokratis Famellos and Olga Gerovasilis did raise the issue of the dates of the Conference.

Mr. Famellos even insisted on this proposal and for this reason he came into confrontation with the secretary of the party Rania Svigou, who, in the absence of Mr. Kasselakis, constantly replied that the dates were decided by the Central Committee and do not change.

When Mr. Kasselakis intervened to take the floor, to say “anyone who doesn’t want to leave. Finally”, Mr. Famellos and Mrs. Gerovasilis had spoken and remained connected to listen. The challenge did not go unanswered and the response of those affected was not only that they got up and left the meeting. “We are not your employees to talk like that. Speak better,” a member of the group of 8 reportedly said to Mr. Kasselakis.

After the episode, in Koumoundourou they celebrated with the fist shown by the president against those who systematically question him, and then it began to leak that Mr. Kasselakis called Mrs. Gerovasilis and Mrs. Notopoulou, to clarify to them that the door of on the way out he showed it to Mr. Famellos and not to them… Mr. Kasselakis also made a post late last night where he wrote “we are fine with Olga…”.

As soon as the sun dawned yesterday, the attitude of Koumoundourou changed again. Morning leaks said that when Mr. Kasselakis said “whoever likes it, whoever doesn’t like it is over” etc., he meant to leave the Central Organizing Committee of the Conference (COES), which was meeting, and not from the party in general. But this line was also quickly abandoned.

“Tsipras to dynamit again through Gerovasilis, Kasselakis “whoever doesn’t like to leave”, Gerovasilis +7 to leave, Kasselakis “we are fine with Olga”. A crazy party”, wrote the lyricist Nikos Moraitis, to describe the situation.

Yesterday at noon, the press representative of SYRIZA, Mrs. Voula Kehagia, stated in this regard: “The leadership of SYRIZA does not want any executive to leave, nor of course any executive is looking to leave. It does not change the fact that Stefanos Kasselakis is a unionist, in every party it is reasonable to have disagreements”.

However, the climate in SYRIZA is the worst possible and many are already wondering that after this position, it will be difficult for the president to convene the CEEC in a full quorum. Today, the meeting of the Parliamentary Group is expected.

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Weather: Heat storms throughout the country – Difficult noon for Attica

#Kasselakis #Ragousis #line #agreement #Attica #BankPagreetia #beneficial



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