Human Rights Lawyer Sophie Thonon Condemns Libertarian Deputies’ Visit to Argentine Genocide Perpetrator Alfredo Astiz

The renowned French lawyer specializing in Human Rights Sophie Thonon, who achieved the first life sentence against Alfredo Astiz years ago for the disappearance and torture of the French nuns of the Church of the Holy Cross, Leonie Duquet and Alice Domon, condemned the visit of libertarian deputies to the genocidal and asserted that the French government should express a strong repudiation.

The repudiation came after this week, along with Jean-Pierre Lhande from the Association of Missing French Persons in Argentina, they signed a letter denouncing “the intention to release” Astiz, “responsible for the disappearance of French nuns during the Argentine dictatorship”.

This is a very shocking visit. They are deputies; it isn’t even a mixed delegation with various parties represented; they took the initiative to visit a selective number of detainees. They are going to see very well-known genocides in Argentina. Two who are convicted for their participation in the disappearance of the two French nuns. This draws a lot of attention. It raises many questions,” emphasized Thonon.

At this point, she added that the most striking factor “is the fact that the Argentine government did not condemn such an action. ‘Milei said he wouldn’t have done it. It’s not a condemnation,” she stated.

This is not a coincidence. For the lawyer, the lack of repudiation responds to a greater interest: “You can imagine that now several other deputies from the president’s party will take the same initiative. And they will go visiting the genocides just like that. To pave the way for their release. That’s what draws our attention.”

For this reason, she stated that “the human rights organizations here are very attentive to the resources that could be presented in Argentine justice”. Of course, although the political agenda there is marked by the rhythm of the Olympic Games and the visit of leaders from all over the world to the country.

Still, she asserted: “There will be a meeting between the two presidents (Milei and Macron). I hope, because I sent the letter to the presidency, that they talk about that topic. And that Macron takes a firm stance saying that under no circumstances should Astiz be released from prison.



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