New threats to the security of your mobile device in 2024

New threats to the security of your mobile device in 2024

If you are one of those who think that all the hacking tricks and traps have already been revealed this 2024, let us tell you that you are very wrong. Currently, the dark industry of virtual fraud is innovating day after day, especially when it comes to mobile devices. For this reason, It is very important that you and your loved ones are aware of the new strategies that may threaten your virtual security.

Throughout this article, We are going to cover a lot of malware and cyber attack techniqueswhich have become fashionable in 2024. We invite you to continue reading and, above all, take notes to protect yourself or your loved ones.

How might mobile cyberattacks occur in 2024?

Nowadays, many people associate cyberattacks with computers or servers of large companies. However, according to some recent studies, Mobile devices are the most susceptible to attacksso no one would be safe from potential privacy damage. If we think about it a little more, this makes a lot of sense, Considering that we all have a device and we often make transactions with it. In the following graph from Statista, we can see that Android (by far) is the operating system most exposed to malware, followed by Linux and Mac OS X:

New threats to the security of your mobile device in 2024

The main source of malware on cell phones is found in the applications that we download from the internet. Sometimes they can be downloaded from official stores like Google Play, although most of the time, They usually come from external downloadsOf course, no expert would recommend installing an app from a strange website, so we suggest doing your research before making a mistake.

However, it is not the only way to be exposed to a cyber attack. External links, for example, They may also be adapted to download malicious programs.For this reason, if you have access to your email on your mobile device, We do not recommend opening emails from suspicious senders that invite us to access download links.

On the other hand, A source of cyberattack can also be using publicly accessible Wi-Fi, which are usually available in airports, parks, squares or universities. In these cases, we can connect and enter confidential data and, without knowing it, We are intercepted by people who can recover that information to misuse it. A very common example is the theft of credit card data when making purchases or paying for services with a mobile phone in public places. If you want to know about cybersecurity for companies, we recommend you read this article

Mobile Device Security Threats

Below, we will mention some examples of apps that may be circulating on the Internet and can cause a lot of damage to security.


Although this is a cyberattack strategy that has been around for several years, it is still one of the most widely used strategies for stealing banking data. In short, It is a cloned app that simulates being a Home Banking or Financial Entity from a legitimate entity. Unsuspecting users may enter their data thinking they are accessing their real account, providing sensitive data such as username, passwords and card numbers.

If you are a bank or financial institution user and need to install their application, we recommend checking that the app is owned by the bank (this appears just below the name of the application) and that it has a high volume of downloads:


Another similar category, but no less dangerous, are fake virtual stores. These consist of “ghost” stores, which extract credit card information. Considering that 53% of users make online purchases using the devices, we cannot deny that This is a strategy that we must be careful of.

To name a few examples, we can mention Dior, Nike, Lacoste, Hugo Boss and Prada. While there are official stores that are very secure, websites with an identical design have also been detected. To protect ourselves from this type of attack, We need to check the store linkwhich must belong to reliable and brand-owned websites.

Bluetooth y transfers apps

Recently, there have been reports of cyberattacks using applications that promise to “facilitate” Bluetooth connections or the sending of files over the Internet. These are usually identified as “Drivers” and They pretend to be tools that optimize the task of sending or receiving information.

However, many of these applications have been taken down because they introduce Trojan viruses that They have the function of stealing data or damaging the operation of operating systems. Others, however, have the function of redirecting the user to undesirable external websites or fake stores.

If you are wondering how to avoid this type of attacks, the answer is very simple: Do not install these applications. We definitely have many safe and official Driving tools available, such as Google Drive, among many others. For this reason, It is always better to research reliable technologiessomething you can find on sites like the blog de allmarket

Final thoughts

If you often use your mobile device to make transactions or check emails, You may be exposed to this type of cyberattacksWith this we do not mean that you should not do it, but that You must take the necessary precautions to prevent your personal data from falling into the wrong hands.. Therefore, the best tool in our favor is knowledge and information.

If we take these precautions, we will probably be safe from the most frequent threats in 2024 and the years to come. However, we must not let our guard down. There are always new (very clever) technologies that can fool us. at the least expected moment. For this reason, we recommend that you continue to investigate and stay up to date with the latest developments in computer security.

Fortunately, this is not a challenge these days and you can find helpful tips on many internet sites such as AllMarket.


#threats #security #mobile #device
2024-07-25 15:36:32



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