Marcel Hirscher: “You call it a comeback, I call it a heart project”

In Zoetermeer, he explained to numerous media representatives from the Netherlands that the main thing was to have fun. “We don’t count FIS points, we collect memories,” stressed the Salzburg native, who will compete for his mother’s home country in the future. On August 9, Hirscher revealed, he will take off for New Zealand.

The next two weeks will be mainly about fitness training, “then I’ll go to New Zealand and do my first races,” explained the 35-year-old, who actually ended his career five years ago after 67 World Cup victories, seven World Championship titles and two Olympic gold medals. Two FIS giant slaloms and two FIS slaloms will take place in Coronet Peak on the South Island from August 15 to 19.

Hirscher must collect FIS points

Hirscher will only be able to compete in the World Cup next season if he improves his FIS points significantly. In the second July list, he is ranked 300th in the slalom and 693rd in the giant slalom. “We will stay there for three weeks and try to complete as many training days as possible. Whether that will be enough for Sölden and whether I will be allowed to compete there remains to be seen,” he said. The 2024/25 World Cup season will kick off in Sölden at the end of October. “It is very, very difficult to say today what will happen in four or five months. Of course I have ideas, but the most important thing now is to get to New Zealand to train.”

He emphasised in the mobile premises of his ski company Van Deer that he is still done with the time-hunting of his active days. His aim now is to “get the most out of it” as a ski tester for the athletes Henrik Kristoffersen and Timon Haugan and “to race every now and then”. He therefore deliberately does not want to talk about a comeback because the word implies wanting to pick up where you left off. “I don’t like to use that C-word. You call it a comeback, I call it a project close to my heart, a passion project,” said Hirscher.

Photo gallery: Marcel Hirscher’s greatest successes

(Photo: Reuters) Bild 1/22

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Role similar to that of test riders in MotoGP

In MotoGP, test riders who sometimes still race are “common practice,” he stressed, mentioning Dani Pedrosa. He sees his role in a similar way. He wants to be able to contribute more to Van Deer. His lifestyle will not change too much. “In the past, life had to fit in with skiing, now skiing fits in with life,” explained Hirscher. In addition to his ski company, he is also one of the founders of the clothing brand The Mountain Studio and has two children. “You need a good family network.”

Speaking of family: Hirscher’s mother was, according to him, delighted that he would be racing again – his father was not so enthusiastic, as it meant more stress for him. Hirscher repeatedly referred to the Netherlands as “my motherland” and he also spoke Dutch almost fluently, although he admitted to being nervous at first. “I haven’t spoken Dutch for a long time, and certainly not in front of so many cameras.” But he still wants to improve his Dutch skills. “I have to ask my grandma and my aunt for help.”


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