“Appodixi”: Tax evasion complaints rain at AADE – The process and bonuses – 2024-07-25 13:37:33

“Bass” on behalf of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE) is produced by the app “appodixi” which more than 250,000 citizens have installed on their mobile phones, after the establishment of bonuses from 100 to 3,000 euros for those who reveal tax evasion.

Since the start of the application have been carried out 153,380 complaintsof which the 69,046 are surnamed and the 84,334 are anonymous.

Others will be added to this number 5,559 cases of complaints (922 named and 4,637 anonymous) made on the “Citizen Complaints” platform, bringing the total to close to 159,000.

The majority of complaints are about non issuance of receipts, forged receipts, corruption and other tax violations, which in turn are checked by AADE after evaluating the content and seriousness of the cases.

The process

Specifically, the complaints-information submitted to the platform channeled systemically and automatically depending on their subject and content, to the competent structures for further investigation or control as the case may be.

As far as “Appodixi” is concerned, the measure has facilitated the control authorities in identifying dozens of cases of issuing fictitious or non-issuing receipts. It is characteristic that through the “Appodixi” application, cases of businesses were identified which entered a different amount on the receipt and a different amount in the myDATA e-books.

Please note that the mobile application works as follows:

1. The user also opens the application through the mobile camera, “scans” the QR code of the receipt.

2. Depending on the status of the receipt, the application generates the following messages:

-The receipt has been forwarded to AADE. In this case, the details of the receipt are displayed (cash register number, company VAT number, receipt number, date and time of transaction issue, VAT transaction value and in transactions with gas stations, the quantity and type of fuel). In this case, it is checked whether the information displayed in the application is the same as that displayed in the receipt. That is, if the value indicated on the receipt is the same as the value that has been transmitted to AADE. If there is a difference, this means that there has probably been an intervention in the tax mechanism of the company, so that a different amount appears on the customer’s receipt and another, smaller amount is sent to AADE.

-The receipt is declared, but the receipt has not yet been forwarded to AADE. In this case, the date and time beyond which the receipt should have been sent to AADE is mentioned. If the receipt has been issued before this point in time, the report for non-transmission of the receipt is indicated.

-The QR code cannot be read or that the cash register is not declared or is not active. In this case, submitting a report to the application is indicated.

The bonuses

Taxpayers who reveal through the app “Appodixi” “monkey” receipts on mobile phones receive a bonus of 100 to 3,000 euros depending on the extent of tax evasion. However, in order to receive the money, they must meet certain conditions:

  • Make the complaint by name
  • After the audit, a fine should be imposed on the business for violation or falsification or tampering with the cash register.
  • Using the application, consumers can check the details and validity of a receipt, which they receive as part of their transaction, by scanning the QR code on it with their mobile phone. Then, the data will be automatically sent to the AADE system and the consumer will be informed of the result of the check. If a violation occurs, then the consumer has the possibility to report the proof to AADE.

Unlike those who reveal fake receipts through the Appodixi application on mobile phones who will receive a bonus of 100 to 3,000 euros depending on the extent of tax evasion for complaints through the special application of the AADE, no monetary reward is provided. According to information, in the Ministry of Finance and the AADE on the carpet has raised the issue of monetary compensation to those who report cases of tax evasion, smuggling and corruption.

All complaints and information submitted through the platform are automatically channeled, depending on their subject matter, to the competent audit services for further investigation, as well as to the Directorate of Internal Affairs, when the cases concern matters of its competence. By implementing a risk analysis system, the seriousness of the complaints is assessed and the high-scoring cases are targeted by the auditors.

Through the electronic platform, the complainant, either named or anonymous, is given the opportunity to provide information, choosing one or more of the following thematic categories:

  • Corruption – integrity violations
  • Tax violations
  • Customs violations

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