Concentration and discipline crowned Sergio Mijares in Chile (+Photos)

Concentration and discipline crowned Sergio Mijares in Chile (+Photos)

With 2:53 minutes remaining in the fifth game of the final and the score 97-69 in favor of Leones de Quilpué, Español de Osorno’s coach, Rodrigo Isbej, replaced the main figures of his team with several substitutes, and Venezuelan point guard Sergio Mijares (Miranda, 1997) began to breathe more easily. Then, the Barlovento native saw the scoreboard and was infected by the strident atmosphere of the felines’ supporters.

“I saw the difference and I knew that the title was ours,” said Mijares, who joined the team from the Valparaíso Region this season to, together, win their first title in the Chilean National Basketball League.

The team led by Spanish coach José Ángel Samaniego finished the regular round tied at the top with ABA Ancud (21-5), swept Sportiva Italiana in the quarterfinals and made a great statement by beating the then champion, Universidad de Concepción, in the semifinals, which was seeking its fourth consecutive crown.

“We were a very solid team that dominated several statistics during the season. The numbers don’t lie,” said Mijares, still celebrating becoming the seventh Venezuelan to win a professional basketball title in Chile.

– What was the key to the final series?
– The same as the whole season: we never gave up our essence, not even in the worst moments. We never stopped doing our thing, working on defense and passing the ball around.

– The inclusion of (Ecuadorian) Bryan Carabalí for the final was a risky bet, but he became an X factor due to his defense, his ability to block and intimidate and to take rebounds.
– Totally. Bryan is very intelligent and as soon as he arrived he understood his role, and he quickly got in tune with the group. Being so tall and always blocking, he makes the opponent change many shots, he takes many rebounds and that allowed us to run the court better.

Stone concentration

The loud crowd that showed up at the Colegio Los Leones court, his first final, the pain he was suffering in his right thumb due to a torn ligament… Nothing could affect Mijares’ concentration. Even with less than three minutes left, with a lead of almost 30 points and the crown in his pocket, he still didn’t relax.

“I get very emotional,” Mijares admits, filled with satisfaction. “Only the person carrying the bag knows how much it weighs.”

-Arrival at Los Leones, university degree and now your first championship and the team’s first league title. What a season!

– Unforgettable! I look back, I remember when I was a kid, in my town, dreaming of goals; and now I see myself here, having graduated this year as a kinesiologist (thanks to a scholarship for basketball), champion of the National League… It’s been great, I’m very happy!

-The match ended and you had the champion’s cup in your hand and your daughter in your other arm. What comes to mind at that moment?
– It has been a long road, and it has been worth it, all the moments I have had to live through, having come from Venezuela almost eight years ago to study and establish myself as a professional player. My family comes to mind, the satisfaction of having made them feel proud, being a motivation for my daughters, of teaching them that dreams can come true…

-What is your personal assessment of the season?
-Of ups and downs, of a lot of growth and of consolidating the mentality of always improving and contributing to the team.

-Who do you dedicate the title to? Who do you thank?
– Dedicated to my family, many of whom I haven’t seen for almost eight years; to the Leones fans, who always supported us; and to my friends, who always believed in me, especially Marko, who is going through a difficult situation and despite that, he always continued to encourage me. And I thank God, the club and the coaching staff for their trust… What lies ahead is gain.

– What will Sergio Mijares’ immediate future hold?
– Rest a little and then get back to work. We have to play in the Champions League in America and that requires a lot of mental, physical and tactical preparation. This is just the beginning.

After several approaches from Venezuelan teams to play in the Super League, Mijares will have to recover from his thumb injury and prepare to be at the level of the continent’s champions. He has already taken over from Carlos Milano, also from Barlovento (champion of the last three leagues), and he remains focused on ensuring that discipline and concentration continue to enthrone him.

Venezuelans champions in Chile
Tulio Cobos 1 National League
Vladimir Lamberg 1 National League
Peter Kvietek 1 Liga Nacional
Luis Julio 1 National League
Juan Fontena 1 Chilean Cup
Carlos Milano 3 National League
3 Super Cup
2 Chilean Cup
1 Libcenter
Sergio Mijares 1 National League
Sergio Mijares had the second-highest PIR of the series in Game 5. He averaged 5.2 points, 2.6 rebounds, 3.8 assists, 1.6 steals and 0.6 blocks in the series.

Santiago / Leon Aguilar

#Concentration #discipline #crowned #Sergio #Mijares #Chile #Photos
2024-07-25 12:46:21



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