Surat Al-Buruj Asbabun Nuzul, Its Content, Preference, Text, and Translation – 2024-07-25 11:51:05


SURAT Al-Buruj is the 85th chapter in the Qur’an. Therefore, this chapter which means cluster of stars is included in juz amma or juz 30.

Surat Al-Buruj was revealed after Surat Ash-Shams in Mecca so it belongs to Surat Makiyah. It was named Al-Buruj, because it refers to the pronunciation found in the first verse of this surah.

Asbabun reciting Surat Al-Buruj

The revelation of this letter is related to the incident of the ashabul ukhdud. The makers of the fiery ditch tortured the Muslims as has been narrated in this letter.

They threw the believers who maintained their beliefs and faith into the fiery ditch. For them, these believers were guilty because they had faith in Allah SWT.

Contents of Surat Al-Buruj

Here is the content of Surat Al-Buruj.

1. God curses the torturers of the believers. Brands are threatened with the punishment of Hell.

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2. For those who believe, they will have a paradise in which there are many flowing rivers.

3. Allah reminded them of the fate of the opposition before them, such as the people of Pharaoh and Thamud, who were ultimately destroyed.

The priority of Surat Al-Buruj

Here is the fadilah or priority of Surat Al-Buruj.

Also read: Surat Abasa: Asbabun Nuzul, Content, Preferences, Text, and Translation

1. Surat Al-Buruj is included in Al-Mufashshal.

Al-Buruj which belongs to these short letters was given to Prophet Muhammad SAW as an addition. Therefore, he has priority and privilege compared to his predecessors.

2. One of the letters that the Prophet often read.

He also ordered his people to read Surat Al-Buruj. From Abu Hurairah also, the Prophet SAW ordered to read Surat As-Samawat (Surat Al-Buruj) and was-sama i wath tariq at Isha time.

Jabir bin Samrah said that the Prophet recited was sama i dzatil buruj and was sama i wath thariq at the time of the Dhuhr and Asr prayers.

Also read: Surat Al-Infithar: Asbabun Nuzul, Content, Preference, Text, Translation

3. Letters of the prophets.

Therefore, its readers will gather and stand with the prophets, apostles, and righteous people.

Abdullah said, “Whoever reads was sama i dzatil buruj in the obligatory prayer, because it is indeed a letter of the prophets, a meeting place (mahsyar) and the reader’s mauquf with the prophets, the apostles, and the righteous.” (Tswabul A’mal: 151).

Also read: 37 Letters in Juz Amma with Arabic, Latin, and Translation

4. Get a big reward.

Its readers gain 10 good deeds as many as those who gather on Friday and on the day of Arafah. Its readers are also saved from fear and violence.

Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Whoever reads this letter (Surat Al-Buruj), Allah will give him a reward of 10 good deeds of all the people gathered on Friday and all the people gathered on the day of Arafat. The reader is also saved from fear and violence.” (Tafsirul Burhan, Juz 8: 249).

Arabic language

And by the heaven with its mansions and the promised Day and a witness and one witnessed. The companions of the trench, the Fire fueled, were destroyed while they were sitting over it, and they were witnesses to what they were doing to the believers. And they did not resent them except because they believed in God, the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy, to whom belongs the kingdom of God. The heavens and the earth, and God is Witness over all things. Indeed, those who have persecuted the believing men and believing women and then have not repented will have the punishment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the Burning Fire. Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds – for them are gardens beneath which rivers flow. That is[the reward]for the disbelievers. The great triumph. Indeed, the punishment of your Lord is severe. Indeed, it is He who begins and repeats, and He is the Forgiving, the Loving, Lord of the Throne, the Majestic, Doer of whatever He intends. Has there come to you the story of the armies of Pharaoh and Thamud? Rather, those who disbelieve are in denial, and Allah is behind them encompassing. Rather, it is a glorious Qur’an, in a Preserved Tablet.

Latin language

Was heaven and light brown. Wal yaumil mau’uud. He is a syaahidiw and a masyhuud. Qutila Ash Haabul Ukhduud. I am a naari dzaatil waquud. Idz hum ‘alaihaa qu’uud wa hum ‘alaa maa yaf’aluuna bilmu’ miniina syuhuud. Wa maa naqamuu minhum illa ay yu’ minụ billaahil ‘aziizil ḥamiid. They are both mulkus samāwāti. By Allah, everything is syai in syahiid. Innalladziina fatanul mu’ miniina wal mu’ minaati forgiveness and the punishment of Hell. Wa lahum ‘adzaabul hariiq. Innalladziina aamanuu wa ‘amilush shaalihaati lahum jannaatun tajrii min tahtihal anhar, dzaalikal fauzul kabiir. She bathsya rabbika lasyadiid. He is the one who is yubdi and yu’iid. Wa huwal ghafuurul waduud. Dzul ‘arsyil mosque. Fa’ ‘alul number of yuriid. Hal attacked the hadith of junuud. Pharaoh of tsamuud. Balilladziina disbelief and takdziib. By Allah, I killed him muhiith. Bal Huwa Quran Majid. And the lauhim mahfuuzh.


For the sky that has a cluster of stars. And the promised day. And the witness and the witnessed. Perished and cursed are those who make ditches, whose fire (lit with) firewood, while they sit around, while they witness what they do to the believers. And they did not torture those believers except because those believers believed in Allah, the Mighty and the Praiseworthy, Who owns the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and Allah is the All-Witness of all things. Verily, those who bring trials to the believing men and women and then they do not repent, then for them will be the punishment of Jahannam. Verily, those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them is heaven beneath which rivers flow; that is great luck. Indeed, the punishment of your Lord is really severe. Indeed, He is the One who created (creatures) from the beginning and brought them to life (again). He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful, the One who has the ‘Arsy, the Most Noble, the Most Powerful to do what He wills. Has news come to you about the opposing peoples, (namely the people of) Fir’aun and (the people of) Thamud? Verily the disbelievers always lie, Allah surrounds them from behind. Even what they denied was the noble Qur’an, which is (stored) in Lauh Mahfuzh.

Thus the asbabun nuzul of Surat Al-Buruj, content, and priority. May God make it easy for us to always read it and memorize it. (Z-2)

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