The Nazarene Conspiracy – The Time

Edward Sirignano

FratElly knives. The embrace with Renzi, which took place under the floodlights of the Gran Sasso stadium in L’Aquila, could prove fatal for Schlein. If the new flirt, resuscitates the dead lily, which finds the old generals of Leopolda, see Guerini, penalizes and not a little the first tenant of the Nazareno.


The first effect of the newfound understanding with Italia Viva is the return to the scene of former secretary Letta. Enrico has never forgotten that “stay calm”, which from one day to the next, threw him out of Palazzo Chigi. This is why the teacher abandons the salons of the French intelligentsia and, smelling the scent of revenge, returns to the Capitoline palaces. To beat those who won the primaries, however, strong and transversally appreciated allies are needed. This is why the former secretary has only one option: knock on the door of Prodi, the father of the Ulivo. Any wide field, in Italy, has no reason to exist, if it does not receive the blessing of those who created it. Schlein, as demonstrated by the attacks received on the eve of the European elections, seems to have never ended up in Romano’s good graces. Indeed, the former president of the Commission, would like to cut the plug as soon as possible on those who never asked him for advice. This is the road that leads to the shot of Portonovo di Ancona, where the two former prime ministers appear on a bizarre electric car. More than a few people consider that gesture a warning: “get ready, we have a full tank and we are heading straight for Sant’Andrea delle Fratte.”

Cerno and the Pd's nightmare: the impossible alliance of the fake enemies Renzi-Schlein


The second major consequence of the turn towards Leopolda is the anger of Elly’s first sponsor. Bersani, who until yesterday pampered her like a daughter, praising her from the Manzanares to the Rhine, certainly cannot rejoice in the face of the marriage with that Matteo, who beat him in the primaries, sidelining him, so much so as to induce him to create a party pro tempore. The former Minister of Economy dreamed with Schlein of a new Enrico Letta The former secretary of the Democratic Party will never forget that “stay calm” that left him outside Palazzo Chigi Romano Prodi The father of the Olive Tree has never digested either Matteo or Elly. The latest criticisms had arrived before the European elections Pierluigi Bersani He dreams of Leopolda even at night. In order not to submit to Matteo, he even founded his own party, the red thing. Several, on the other hand, are those who do not look favorably on the agreement with the centrists of Iv. Just think of Gianni Cuperlo or Minister Speranza, whose political future was all hanging on the iron pact, wanted by Bettini, with Conte and certainly not on a feeling with that Florentine, who during the pandemic, criticized him every other day. Will the 5 Star Movement, in order to beat Giorgia, be ready to sit at the same table as those who, until the day before yesterday, called them absolute evil? An assist during the game of the heart will be enough to make people forget years of poisonous notes.

Schlein “blesses” Renzi and plays anti-premier: the pact to oust Meloni


The greatest danger for Elly comes from her magic circle, from her most loyal followers. Even if no one says a word, in the Nazareno team, the name of Renzi is not liked at all. Even the cavalier servente Furfaro, to whom Schlein promised the Ministry of Labor, is said to have said in a chat: “If we resurrect Matteo, we will make a blunder worthy of a blue pencil”. These doubts are also shared by the newly elected MEP Sandro Ruotolo, who has spent half his career as a journalist criticizing what should be the new ally. Apart from Serracchiani, who in order to stay afloat, is willing to change like the worst chameleon, within the secretariat there are many who fear that the wind from Florence could reinvigorate that reformist current, which seemed dead after the last primaries.

#Nazarene #Conspiracy #Time
2024-07-25 02:48:16



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