“Powerful flame”. August is also marked, the scorching days –

We are now in the last part of July and the month of August is upon us: what awaits us from the point of view of weather forecast? Providing forecasts and trends on the period preferred by Italians for their holidays is Colonel Mario Giuliacci. The heat has been less intense in many areas of Italy in recent times, but “the African high pressure has certainly not abandoned the scene definitively, and indeed it could soon return to heat up our days”, explains the expert on MeteoGiuliacci. During this week, temperatures in some areas “will easily reach 36-37 degrees,” Giuliacci predicts, but it won’t be the extreme, muggy heat of other summers.

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How long will it last? Not much. “In the last part of the week”, in fact, “thehigh pressure will find new strength and will lead a new assault on Italy”. We are talking about a “powerful flame” which will see a first peak on Sunday July 28th in most of the country, with “values ​​that in the Center-South and the Islands will return to almost 40 degrees” while in the North the humidity will be a nuisance. The heat wave is then destined to grow until the end of July and to stabilize also for the whole first week of augustexplains Giuliacci, with particularly scorching temperatures in the South, in Sicily and Sardinia.

#Powerful #flame #August #marked #scorching #days #Tempo
2024-07-25 02:46:16



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