MOPC builds roads, paths and bridges in Caazapá

Caazapa, IP.- The Directorate of Road Planning of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) reported that various works are being carried out to improve roads in the department of Caazapá. The tasks consist of the construction of cobblestone pavement, reinforced concrete bridges and the rehabilitation of local roads.

Rodolfo Segovia, director of local roads for the institution, indicated that the construction of a paving corresponds to the San Cristóbal-Tuparendá-Tuna section, 27 km long. This will directly benefit the municipalities of San Cristótal and Avaí. The work is being carried out by the Ita Pirú Consortium for an amount of 26,824,536,460 guaraníes.

He also pointed out that in the Caazapá-Yuty section, rehabilitation and paving work is being carried out on Route No. 8 “Dr. Blas Garay”, which includes the repair of the accesses to Caazapá, Maciel, Bertoni and Yegros; in addition to the construction of a reinforced concrete bridge over the Pirapó River. In this case, the work is being carried out by the company Ilsung Construction LTD, for an amount of 351,417,857,025 guaraníes.

He highlighted that the rehabilitation of Route No. 8, in the Ñumi-Caazapá section, 26.80 km long, is another of the works developed in the VI department. In this case, Proel Ingeniería was awarded the contract to carry out the tasks for an amount of 39,963,253,923 guaraníes.

For its part, the Ñumi Consortium, which was awarded a contract worth 21,760,346,115 guaraníes, is in charge of the improvement and rehabilitation works on unpaved roads in the Caazapá-Boquerón section, which is 14.30 km long.

Other works

Segovia indicated that the MOPC is also making improvements in the district of Abaí, specifically in the Enramadita-Cantina Cué section and in Cruce Borda-San Agustín. In addition, a reinforced concrete bridge over the Itá Stream, with a span of 12.00 meters, is being built in the Abaí-Tuparendá section.

“With these works, the MOPC is making its presence felt and is seeking to provide the people of Caazape with adequate road infrastructure so that they can have roads for all weather conditions. Through the road improvements carried out, the economy of the country’s sixth department will be able to continue developing,” he concluded.

#MOPC #builds #roads #paths #bridges #Caazapá
2024-07-25 01:52:08



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