Health: Public flying squad deploys only 10 members

2024-07-25 00:04:00

The much-anticipated public flying fleet promised by Health Minister Christian Dubé currently employs 36 staff. But so far, only 10 people have been sent to help areas with severe shortages of personnel.

A total of three beneficiary caregivers and one nurse were sent to the CISSS de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue. The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) said the CISSS de la Côte-Nord has so far benefited from four health and social care assistants, one beneficiary attendant and a nurse deployed as reinforcements.

No personnel have been deployed to Utawe yet. However, Mr. Dube’s office ensures ongoing communication with agencies in the region. “The request for the CISSS de l’Outaouais was received on July 22, namely for nursing and auxiliary nursing staff mainly in emergency departments, operating theatres, surgical wards and intensive care units. Taking into account the professional nature of these professions, it is necessary to ensure Application complies with specifications »

The flight team was originally scheduled to launch on June 20, aiming to help areas with a severe shortage of network personnel. MSSS highlighted that 226 people have been interviewed so far.

“Let us be clear that the deployment of resources is done incrementally, depending on the availability of staff, their profiles and the needs of the agency,” the ministry wrote.

Therefore, he predicts that Abitibi-Témiscamingue will soon have six beneficiary caregivers and one auxiliary nurse. Three nurses, two practice nurses and two additional health and social care assistants will also be deployed to the North Shore. As for Utawe, “the number of people deployed and travel dates are still to be determined,” the health minister’s office said.

“Accelerate” agreement on dispatched personnel

The ministry estimates that the agreement signed with the union in mid-July will make it possible to expedite the dispatch of personnel to where they are most needed. Under these agreements, health workers who join the flying corps will receive a daily bonus of $100, among other things.

The province of Quebec has reached an agreement in principle with the Federation of Health and Social Services (FSSS-CSN) on the working conditions of its flying squadrons and was pleased to see some of these professionals deployed to the field on Wednesday. Carole Duperré, the union’s vice-president for the public sector, stressed: “We negotiated the supervision of the team so that volunteers are well treated and well paid.”

“But we must step up and support the workers of Ooutaoue, Abitibi-Timiskaminge and northern Côte d’Ivoire. And replace the very greedy private sector,” she added.

Ms Duperre believes the decision now lies “with the government”. “It is he who selects candidates and sends them to target areas to help. »

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