Do you read us like an open book? Hezbollah documented the Ramat David base

Do you read us like an open book?  Hezbollah documented the Ramat David base

The terrorist organization Hezbollah published today (Wednesday) footage from a UAV in which photographs of the Ramat David base are shown. Hezbollah claims that the footage was taken yesterday, no alarms were activated yesterday regarding a hostile aircraft in the area.

The Ramat David base is about 46 kilometers from the Lebanese border. It can be assumed that this is part of Hezbollah’s plan to expand the range of shooting or activity within Israel’s territory, and to emphasize the organization’s capabilities. The video reviews the base and its facilities and presents information about the various systems that are supposedly inside it. It is not possible to know if the information shown in the video came from the collection filmed itself or from other sources.

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Hezbollah in new documentation from the air force base (Photo: Hezbollah)

An IDF spokesperson said: “The video distributed by Hezbollah was filmed by an unmanned aerial vehicle for photography purposes only. Base activity was not affected. The IDF and the Air Force within it are working against Hezbollah’s air array, and have attacked hundreds of targets from this array in recent months. The Air Force works by all means to protect the skies of the State of Israel and will continue to do so.”

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Hezbollah officials explained in the Lebanese media that the air base that was photographed is one of the most important air bases in Israel and the only one in the northern region. The organization stated that it would later distribute detailed information about the importance of the base that was documented, and it was also clarified that the organization continues to collect new information all the time.

According to their statement, the squad that was responsible for the mission was able to leave and return safely, something that should cause an uproar within the Israeli security establishment. The message they tried to convey from Hezbollah, as quoted in the Lebanese media, is that the organization is not afraid of Israel, and that areas that the organization is capable of photographing – are within its range of attack, or in their language “the resistance has proven its ability to reach any point it wants”.

Ramat David base – Hezbollah documentation (photo: screenshot)

This is not the first time that Hizbullah publishes documentation of Israeli territory from drone cameras. At the beginning of July, the organization published documentation in which it was able to photograph, among other things, a gathering point for soldiers in the Atza HaGalil and Hermon, listening sites of the intelligence corps on the border with Lebanon, military bases in the Golan Heights and batteries of Iron Domes.

In June, the organization published a long recording from its drone collection from the northern skies, in which you can see the entire Haifa Bay, including strategic points along the northern border. Among the sites and areas documented by Hezbollah in the video in June, you can identify a military industrial zone identified with the Rafale company – including a number Many factories and warehouses – where components of effective air defense systems are manufactured and assembled, mainly Iron Dome and David sling.

In addition, the same documentation from June shows sites in the Haifa Port area, a strategic area that includes military facilities and huge industrial and commercial facilities, the most important of which are: Haifa Military Base, responsible for the Northern Navy Square, Haifa Civil Port, the largest in Israel, petrochemical facilities – oil tanks, Haifa power station and more.

Head of the Jezreel Valley Regional Council, Shlomit Shihor Reichman: “The documentation that Hezbollah published is extremely disturbing. The events of the Shevah in October and the ‘Iron Swords’ war necessitate a recalculation of the flight path. The photographs are doubly disturbing since there are those who are currently seeking to establish a combined airport – military and civilian, adjacent to the military base. Security experts have determined that there is a real security danger in the establishment of an international airport in the Jezreel Valley for thousands of residents in the entire northern region. I repeat and say in a clear voice – there is no security programming for the establishment of a civilian field combined with a military one in the Jezreel Valley!’



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