Expired food: Which foods can still be eaten after their shelf life?

2024-07-24 10:54:21

According to the Environment and Energy Management Agency, 10 million tons of food are thrown away every year in France (adme). This number raises questions when we see how current inflation forces us to seek minimal savings. In the research pathway, we’re looking at our lack of understanding of expired data…which prompts us to toss food that’s still consumable in the trash.

exist a reportthe European Commission considers the date of consumption responsible 20% of food waste at home. For good reason, when we talk about consumption dates, we’re talking about shelf life (DLC) and minimum shelf life (MBD; formerly DLUO, or “best before”). Gold:

Use by date (DLC) indicates the health date of a product after which May pose health risks. Minimum shelf life (DDM) indicates the date by which a product loses potency…but does not exist No health risk.

In fact, DLC therefore represents a command, which means that once the date has passed, we throw the product in the trash… And we can definitely go far beyond DDM! Since DLC or DDM is required by law to be included on every product, we guarantee this information will always be found!

What are the risks of expired food?

Again, it all depends on the type of food. Highly perishable products with a DLC mentioned may pose a health risk if consumed after the specified shelf life:

Products with DDM (i.e. less perishable products) do not exist No health risk If consumed after this date. On the other hand, they may have lost their sensory properties; that is, their taste may have undergone some changes, or their nutritional content may be less interesting…

Which expired foods are safe to eat?

You know, there are expired (and dangerous) foods and expired (but safe) foods.

In the first category we find highly perishable products such as raw meat, cold meat, seafood and fish, certain prepared foods, etc.

In the second category we find all products that have a DDM type expiration date… and can be consumed without risk outside the scope of this DDM. However, if it contains DDM and DLC, we should be careful not to exceed the DLC, otherwise it may endanger our health! This is the case, for example:

Soft cheeses may be consumed within 2 weeks of shelf life; UHT milk, may be consumed within 2 months of MBD; Frozen foods that can be kept for several months (provided they are not thawed): allowed to be stored for 9 months (for ground meat) to 30 months (for fruits and vegetables), depending on the food, chocolate can be eaten up to 2 years after its expiry date;

Furthermore, if French law required mention of DDM, some foods would be virtually imperishable! Otherwise, the situation is as follows:

Dried products such as pasta, rice or lentils, canned food (if not round), honey, spices, sugar, flour, salt…

Can I eat expired yogurt?

If fresh products contain DLC that should not be exceeded, then yogurt is a special case. And for good reason: we think yogurt can be eaten within 3 weeks of its expiration date without any health risks! This is all thanks to lactofermentation, which means there is very little risk of bacterial growth! Obviously, we rely on our other senses to make sure we don’t take unnecessary risks: if there’s a suspicious smell, if the lid is swollen, if the overall appearance is suspicious… we avoid eating yogurt! And, this also applies to yogurt that has not exceeded its shelf life!

Are expired eggs bad for your health?

With eggs, we are witnessing a somewhat unique situation. Moreover, they are even designed with a specific expiration date: Recommended use date (DCR). This date is set at 28 days after laying, the date when eggs are no longer considered “fresh”. Should we throw it away? unnecessary! Ideally, the closer the DCR is, the more recommended cooking (as opposed to eating eggs raw) is recommended. A question? There is a practical and proven way to check the freshness of your eggs. Immerse the egg in a glass of water deep enough: if the egg sinks, it’s good; If the egg floats, it’s a bad egg. If it’s somewhere in between, it’s best to cook it quickly before eating it. Also note that if the eggs are cooked, the use-by date will be extended accordingly:

Hard-boiled eggs can be eaten within 1 week of cooking. Raw egg whites will keep in the refrigerator for 1 week…and in the freezer for up to 3 months!

Also read

What does the best before date (BDD+) correspond to? Can you drink expired milk?
#Expired #food #foods #eaten #shelf #life



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