it’s a storm – The Time

Christian Campigli

A comment that ended up in a storm. The usual, repetitive desire of the Italian left to put its hat in non-Italian affairs. The belief that being the child of immigrants automatically gives a sort of license of skill. The Democratic MEP Dario Nardella recently published a tweet on X about the current US situation. “Biden’s gesture of withdrawing and leaving the candidacy for the Presidency to Kamala Harris is full of wisdom, responsibility and vision. After having governed successfully, the decision to leave it to a woman and an African-American can represent a new beginning for the United States. A completely new phase opens up that can restore enthusiasm and hope to Democrats and progressives around the world”. Many have pointed out that the Democratic candidate cannot be defined as African-American.

The KAMALAonti Challenge, the Clinton-Obama Dynasties: Hunting for the Post-Biden

The Californian lawyer was in fact born in Oakland, to an Indian mother, an immigrant from Chennai, and a father of Jamaican origin. While it is true that thousands of men from Senegal have been deported to the Caribbean island over the centuries, it is equally clear that that definition has been rejected by the internet as the most classic of banana peels. Then there is a less obvious, but if possible even more deplorable aspect. Kamala Harris is not judged for her ideas, but as a woman and daughter of immigrants. A sort of label that our progressives like so much, but which cannot be an intrinsic merit. Biden’s current vice president is good (or not) based on her ideas, her culture, her ability to mediate. The Italian left would like to endorse, through the conquest of the White House, a sort of revival of the no borders culture. A failed strategy, especially when Africa is confused with an island located opposite Cuba, a stone’s throw from Miami and far from the Black Continent.

#storm #Time
2024-07-24 17:40:04



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