Farion died in hospital after assassination attempt

Irina Farion, photo: Sadovyi’s Telegram

Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi and the police reported that former MP Iryna Farion, who was assassinated on July 19, died in hospital.

Source: Garden in Telegram, National Police

Direct speech: “Trouble. It became known that Irina Farion died in the hospital. The doctors did everything possible, but the injury was incompatible with life.”


DetailsAccording to him, the Lviv community expresses its sincere condolences to the family and all who knew and loved her.

“This is very scary and horrible. I always say that there is no safe place in Ukraine anymore. But such a brazen, impudent murder. The killer must be found!”, he noted.

UpdatedThe National Police confirmed that Iryna Farion, who was wounded in Lviv on July 19, died in hospital from her injuries.

“The crime has been reclassified under Part 1 of Article 115 (Intentional Murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The article provides for a punishment of imprisonment for up to fifteen years. Law enforcement officers are taking all necessary measures to establish the identity and detain the perpetrator,” the statement says.

“Ukrainska Pravda” expresses its sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

For reference: Irina Dmitrievna Farion (born April 29, 1964, Lviv, Ukrainian SSR) – Ukrainian linguist, teacher, scientist, doctor of philological sciences, professor, politician, people’s deputy of Ukraine of the VII convocation (2012-2014)[4]former chairperson of the subcommittee on higher education of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Science and Education, political and public figure, publicist, blogger. Member of the Political Council of the All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda” (since 2005).

As he writes ZAXID.NETfrom 2013 to 2019, Iryna Farion hosted the TV project “The Greatness of the Personality” that she founded on the parliamentary channel “Rada”. Its goal was to popularize knowledge about iconic figures in Ukrainian history, culture, and politics. A total of 160 programs were released.

Farion was also the founder and author of the television project “Gen Ukraintsev” (2019-2023) on the Lviv TV channel NTA. In addition, she hosted two YouTube channels Iryna Farion and Studio Farion, where she hosted the projects “ProtiAnglism”, “PolitOglyad” and “Courses on the Culture of the Ukrainian Language”.

Farion has repeatedly made scandalous statements, in particular about Plast, the occupation and destruction of Mariupol by Russians, and the like.

Let us remind you:

  • On Friday, July 19, in the evening, an attempt was made on the life of former people’s deputy Iryna Farion in Lviv. This happened on Masaryk Street.
  • After the assassination attempt on Farion, President Volodymyr Zelensky reported that the Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klymenko and the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Vasyl Malyuk were promptly reporting on the search for her attacker.

What came before:

  • On February 12, 2024, the Halytskyi District Court of Lviv refused to reinstate former People’s Deputy Iryna Farion in her position as professor of the Ukrainian Language Department of the Institute of Humanities of the Lviv Polytechnic National University.
  • The Security Service of Ukraine has opened a criminal case and ordered a series of expert examinations regarding Farion’s statements and publications.
  • On November 15, the Lviv Polytechnic National University fired Farion from his position as a professor of the Ukrainian language department amid his accusations against the military that they communicate in Russian.
  • The UP’s sources in law enforcement agencies confirmed to the UP that the reason for the dismissal of the former MP was a violation of Article 41 of the Labor Code: the commission by an employee performing educational functions of an immoral offense that is incompatible with the continuation of this work.
  • Farion responded to her dismissal from Lviv Polytechnic by announcing that she was preparing a lawsuit.
  • On May 29, the Lviv Court of Appeal ruled to reinstate former People’s Deputy Iryna Farion as a professor at the Ukrainian Language Department of the Institute of Humanities at the Lviv Polytechnic National University.



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