Lega, councilor grabbed by the neck: “I’ll break your teeth”. Salvini: “Unacceptable” –

Christian Campigli

An incredible episode. Which will have to be clarified. As soon as possible. But which leaves one truly shocked. According to the reports of the Lega Nord exponents, yesterday Filippo Frugoli, during the Massa city council, was attacked and beaten by the Democratic Party councilor, Stefano Alberti. The latter waited outside the room for the arrival of the Carroccio politician and then grabbed him by the neck and pulled him. It is Frugoli himself, in a long post on his Instagram profile, who explains what happened. “After having made my speech complimenting the administration for the work done and for the improvement of the city. Alberti responded with irony, making a joke to criticize me. A joke to which I responded with another simple joke and laughing shortly after”. It is at this moment that the situation would have degenerated and the city council of the Tuscan town would have turned into a saloon.

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“Alberti started yelling threatening phrases at me like I’ll knock out your teeth, come out, and I’ll wait for you later, laugh now because you won’t laugh without 56 teeth’”. Words that, shortly thereafter, would become facts. Violent facts. “I didn’t react, I petrified and remained immobile. Now – concluded Frugoli – I have a bruise on my neck, a bit of pain and fear, but it could have ended much worse”. An episode on which the secretary of the Carroccio, Matteo Salvini, also intervened this morning. “A wild and unacceptable behavior, in the face of red tolerance. Full solidarity with Filippo, who was immediately taken to the emergency room for tests and who will obviously proceed to report his democratic attacker”.

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Outrage and a request for immediate action came from the Lega Nord MEP, Susanna Ceccardi. “Yesterday evening Filippo Frugoli, leader of the Lega in the municipal council of Massa, in Tuscany, was brutally attacked by a councilor of the Democratic Party who threatened him and grabbed him by the neck, in front of everyone. An episode of unprecedented gravity, for which we ask the Democratic Party to take action against the councilor, who must immediately resign. I hope that the political representatives of all parties will strongly stigmatize what happened and in general the unacceptable climate of political hatred that is being felt in this period. For my part, a wish for a speedy recovery to Filippo and the invitation to continue our battles in the name of democracy and freedom. The League and I are with you”.

#Lega #councilor #grabbed #neck #Ill #break #teeth #Salvini #Unacceptable #Tempo
2024-07-24 13:13:00



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