Covial director dismissed and CIV says it was due to lack of transparency – 2024-07-24 10:40:03

Miguel Estuardo Gómez Guerra was dismissed as director of the Road Conservation Executive Unit (Covial) because he “demonstrated a lack of commitment” to complying with the guidelines of the Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing (CIV), the ministry reported on Monday, July 22.

According to the CIV, Gómez’s dismissal came after a “comprehensive evaluation” of his management at Covial.

“This measure has been adopted due to conduct exhibited that compromises the continuity of road maintenance, the transparency of processes and the fulfillment of important and priority institutional objectives,” the CIV said in a statement.

The statement added that Gomez “demonstrated a lack of commitment by failing to comply with the directives of the current CIV administration,” and was therefore removed from his position. “There are serious concerns regarding his continued refusal to improve the bid qualification processes under his direction.”

“This ministry is committed to restructuring the processes to carry them out in a transparent manner and to taking control of what has been the source of government corruption,” the document states.

It is not yet known who will take over the position, but according to the CIV, that decision will be made after the next meeting of the Covial Council, although they did not give a date for that meeting.

“We want public resources to be invested in projects that really reach the population. We have found people who hinder the processes of change for the better, but we will not rest until we clean up each of the CIV’s departments,” the statement added.

Other dismissals

Gómez’s dismissal occurred just days after the CIV removed the director and deputy director of the General Directorate of Roads from their posts for allegedly attempting to benefit a company in the award of the project to repair the Palín – Escuintla highway.

After the Congress of the Republic rejected the state of calamity declared by the Executive to address emergencies caused by the rains, President Bernardo Arévalo and the Minister of Communications, Félix Alvarado, revealed alleged irregularities within the CIV, where they intended to favor a company with the repair work on the Palín – Escuintla highway.

For this reason, on July 11, it was confirmed that Gilberto de Jesús Guerra and Víctor Rosales were dismissed as interim director and deputy director of the General Directorate of Roads (DGC).

Guerra, for his part, took legal action against CIV authorities and their advisors, as he claims that at no time was there any intention to benefit anyone, but rather to hold him responsible for the “failure” of the CIV.

On May 17, the Government announced that by decision of President Bernardo Arévalo, Jazmín de la Vega was removed from her position as Minister of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing.

He added that “the decision was taken because the Minister of Communications failed to comply with the instructions of the President of the Republic, authorizing payments to construction companies outside the agreed control procedure.”

He added that the government “has taken the necessary measures to keep the Ministry running” and will soon announce the person in charge of the institution.

#Covial #director #dismissed #CIV #due #lack #transparency



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