Elon Musk says he will not give 45 million a month to Trump

Elon Musk says he will not give 45 million a month to Trump

Musk says the claim in the Wall Street Journal newspaper last week is “simply not true” and that he is “not donating $45 million a month to Trump,” according to the newspaper The Guardian. The statement comes from an interview with Musk conducted by Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson.

However, the billionaire says he has created a so-called PAC, which in the US is a type of organization that collects campaign contributions from supporters and donates these funds to fight for or against one or more candidates.

While the amount of money given to individuals or organizations that are not designated as a PAC must be limited, there is no limit to the amount of money that can be given to a PAC organization.

Critical of the Democrats

– It’s ridiculous. I make some donations to America Pac (Musk’s PAC organization), but at a much lower level and the key values ​​of the organization are meritocracy and individual freedom, Musk writes in response to a post on X.

However, the Tesla founder, who has repeatedly criticized the Democrats recently, does not deny that he supports the Republicans’ election campaign. He has also been very critical of Vice President Kamala Harris, who is likely to be the Democrats’ new presidential candidate.

Recently he wrote in a post on X that his smartest friends, including some of the richest, who have always supported the Democrats, are now excited about the election campaign of Trump and vice presidential candidate JD Vance.

– I believe in a United States that maximizes individual freedom and profit. It used to be the Democratic Party, but now it’s the Republicans, he wrote.

In the new the post on X he writes:

– The Republicans largely, but not entirely, support merit and freedom.

– Not MAGA

However, Musk has not confirmed that the money his PAC organization collects will go to the Republicans.

– The intention is to promote the principles that made America great to begin with. I don’t want to say that I support MAGA, says Musk, referring to Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again”.

– I already thought the USA was great. I’m more “MAG” (Make America greater), make America better, says Musk, who has not said how much he himself intends to donate to the PAC organization he has created.

#Elon #Musk #give #million #month #Trump
2024-07-24 08:31:17



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