Senator Sanhueza announced legal action for Farrán’s failed appointment – ​​La Discusión 2024-07-24 04:03:57

There is secrecy in the Interior Ministry regarding the situation of the ‘resigned’ regional presidential delegate of Ñuble, Anwar Farrán (PL).

This, after it was learned that, as of May 31, the Comptroller’s Office had not registered the receipt of any decree for approval, not even in process, of the appointment of the authority, which prevented him from fully exercising his functions, and which ultimately meant the departure, a month later, of Farrán from office.

In the last few hours, the local Executive reported that the Undersecretary of the Interior had sent the appointment decree on April 12, a version that contradicts what the comptroller’s office expressed in its response to Farrán himself, when he asked if he could be the current account holder of the department, and the Comptroller’s Office responded that he could not, precisely because they had no record of him being an official of the Regional Presidential Delegation.

“It’s quite embarrassing”

The implications that the situation of the former delegate could have at the administrative and even judicial level are worrying some parliamentarians in the region. Also, what they called an “extreme level of neglect from the central level to the territory.”

“It is quite shameful, even malicious on the part of the government, what happened with the appointment of former delegate Farrán. First, because it reveals that the Ministry of the Interior does not know the Constitution and the laws well; and secondly, because when we noticed this error, they did not correct it until seven months later,” said UDI senator Gustavo Sanhueza.

He added that “the government’s silence and lack of self-criticism regarding this shameful episode are also inexplicable. It reflects the total lack of consideration for our Ñuble Region, which today has no clear direction, and which also lacks significant public investment. Due to the above, due to the legal flaws of this appointment, we will file a legal complaint in the coming days,” the parliamentarian said.

From the UDI, deputy Cristóbal Martínez stated that “it is very regrettable that in just over two years of administration, we have four presidential delegates appointed in Ñuble. This demonstrates the absolute lack of interest that the Government has in our region, which ends up being reflected in the unemployment rate that is higher than average, in the lack of investment, in an increase in crime, among other matters.”

Her UDI counterpart, Marta Bravo, recalled that “when the former presidential delegate took office, we immediately went to the Regional Comptroller’s Office, warning about possible irregularities in his appointment. That is why we hope that this situation will be investigated, and that the Comptroller’s Office will issue a response, because it is seven months of representation in the region, the legality of which could be questioned.”

From the centre-left, there were also serious questions from the beginning regarding Farrán’s nomination.

“I was the first parliamentarian from Ñuble to point this out to the ministry and the Comptroller’s Office, and being very respectful to the former delegate, this was never against him, but against the custom of appointing authorities in the regions from Santiago. The Constitution was always clear that the presidential delegate must have resided in the region for two years, and if Anwar Farrán was a candidate for the Biobío Region less than two years after his appointment, either he did not meet the requirement at that time, or he did not meet it now,” said the ind.-DC deputy, Felipe Camaño.

He added that “it is difficult for the Interior Ministry not to have seen it every time we pointed it out. We were all the parliamentarians from Ñuble who became aware of this situation, and the ministry did not issue any statement until the Comptroller’s Office now invalidated his appointment. It is serious that in a region like ours, with so many shortcomings, people continue to improvise with the authorities. That is why my position remains the same. The position of Presidential delegate should have been eliminated and all its powers transferred to the regional governors. In this way we avoid having had four presidential delegates in less than three years.”

La Discusión attempted to obtain a response today on this issue from the Regional Ministerial Secretariat of Government, but there were no comments from either that department or the Regional Presidential Delegation.

#Senator #Sanhueza #announced #legal #action #Farráns #failed #appointment #Discusión



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