David Summers and Christine Cambeiro say ‘I do’ in Madrid: all the guests

After six years of love, David Summers and Christine Cambeiro said ‘I do’ this Saturday with an intimate ceremony in Madrid. A few months ago, the ‘Hombres G’ singer announced his engagement through ¡HOLA! magazine and proclaimed his love for the American professor, causing a revolution in the social scene.

The two lovebirds had already been married in a civil ceremony, but the celebration was this Saturday and, as expected, many famous faces were invited.

With an ‘Old Hollywood’ theme, men were seen dressed in tuxedos and women in evening gowns arriving at the couple’s home.

Isabel Navarro and Poty Castillo, their son Dani, Rafael Muñoz, Raquel Revuelta and Claudia Jiménez, Lorena Van Heerde and Rafik Dehni, Paula Echevarría and Miguel Torres, Javier Molina, Daniel Mezquita, Natalia de la Vega, Juan y Medio and José Luis ‘El Turronero’ were some of the guests who attended the celebration.

It was in 2018, after a concert by the band in New York, when the spark of love arose between the two. The teacher went to the concert with a friend and David could not imagine that among all those attending would be the person with whom, six years later, he would say ‘I do’.

The leader of ‘Hombres G’ was previously married to Marta Madruga, mother of his twins Daniel and Lucía, with whom he broke up in 2018 due to the natural wear and tear of the passing of the years.

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