One step closer to the “Tsipras split” 2024-07-24 02:21:04

The decision of Mr. Kasselakis and his associates to… point the finger and insult Yannis Dragasakis mobilized forces, creates alliances and causes great mobility within SYRIZA.

Those who know persons, alliances, groups, associations and associations in SYRIZA realize that Thanasis Karteros writing an article in the “Editors’ Journal” against Stefanos Kasselakis means that a diverse but great alliance is being created against Stefanos Kasselakis, an alliance that goes beyond today’s SYRIZA, with two goals:

  • Firstlythe mass exodus from SYRIZA.
  • Secondlythe creation of a new party of the Left, led by Alexis Tsiprasmost likely after the SYRIZA conference scheduled for early October.

New course

A member of the party told Sunday’s Free Press that Kasselakis, with his response to Yannis Dragasakis, has now shown even those who refused to see it, that he does not want to be the continuation of SYRIZA nor its modern version.
And he wants a complete break with the party and its executives.

Thus, in one move, he freed those who had second thoughts, regrets or harbored false hopes of recovery to leave the party as an act of liberation.

Such is the mobility of the last 48 hours, with phone calls, messages, meetings, etc., that it will not be a surprise – with the exception, perhaps, of the 7u floor of Koumoundourou, where control seems to have been lost – things should be done very quickly and we should have announcements about the new party of Alexis Tsipras, maybe even before the October congress.

The special weight of Yannis Dragasakis for SYRIZA is known and the political and moral attack against him – as a continuation of the allegations of “black” money against Tsipras – is a shock for many in SYRIZA.

None of the well-known and experienced SYRIZA officials believe that Mr. Kasselakis is attacking SYRIZA’s past in such a way by mistake. On the contrary, everyone realizes that the new beginning in the party is attempting the political and moral discrediting of the “old guard”, even SYRIZA itself, because Stefanos Kasselakis has decided that anything before him is a “burden” and is blocking his way.

Now, however, the move by Yiannis Dragasakis legitimizes the debate on whether SYRIZA with Stefanos Kasselakis at the helm can now be considered a party of the Left, to advance the case of the so-called progressive alternative government proposal against Kyriakos Mitsotakis and to contribute practically in the formation of alliances with PASOK and other parties in the space of the center-left.

In fact, in SYRIZA, the evaluation of the 2015-2019 period, which Tsipras is responsible for, was never done and the attribution of responsibilities that the previous leadership systematically avoided is underway. And enmities, hatred, passions and repressed things come to the surface, such as that of Pavlos Polakis against Yiannis Dragasakis, who absolutely supported the party’s announcement against him, with insinuations that he is a friend of Yiannis Stournaras, that for so many years he supported the system that Polakis “was fighting” etc.

This is also the answer to the question why Stefanos Kasselakis – like Alexis Tsipras in the past – does not delete and does not come into confrontation with Pavlos Polakis, with whom they disagree on many things. Because Pavlos Polakis, both in SYRIZA and in society, expresses the anti-systemicity and lumpen Greece – which is neither left nor right nor centrist but has hundreds of thousands of followers in Greece – and Kasselakis needs this, just as Tsipras needed it.

The current president of SYRIZA, having on his side Pavlos Polakis, Rena Dourou, Rania Svigou and dozens of middle managers who “run” the party in the Parliament and outside the Parliament (Nikos Pappas is said to be vacillating lately, especially after Kasselaki’s intervention regarding the “marriage” of Attica-Pagreetia, where he was not even asked, although he was in charge of Finance), he is said to have made his decisions.

He will proceed without Alexis Tsipras, the top executives and the honored SYRIZA senate, he will build his own party that will not be SYRIZA and probably after the October congress – even if only he and Polakis are left in the party – they will also change his name.


In the mind of the new leader of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras is dangerous to spoil his plans, when he is inside the party and not outside it. Mr. Kasselakis and his staff believe that Alexis Tsipras, after five electoral defeats by Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has no hope as the leader of a new party against Mitsotakis. Also, he does not believe in the scenario of the single entity of the center-left, considering that with any leader, PASOK, from October onwards, will follow an autonomous course with the aim of the largest percentage in the 2027 elections, where from now on – according to the analysis do- self-reliance is very difficult or even impossible.


Center left… chimeras

The executives of SYRIZA, who still believe in Alexis Tsipras and seek his return to the political scene, say that Stefanos Kasselakis has in mind to lead a small wild-card party, without a clear ideological sign, which will enable him to sit to the negotiating table for the formation of a coalition government after the 2027 elections and to discuss with the first, but not independent, New Democracy.

They believe that Alexis Tsipras, returning to the political scene as the leader of the new party of the Left, can bring together all the parties in the area (except Plefsis Eleftherias, who would like it, and MeRA25, who would not) in a coalition forces and at the same time to become the “good conductor” of the dialogue with PASOK, in view of 2027.

It is certain, to refute those who after the Political Secretariat of SYRIZA were talking about a truce, etc., that before or during the October conference, SYRIZA of Stefanos Kasselakis will be hit by a new major split caused by the mass flight of dozens of well-known executives, hundreds of unknowns and thousands of voters.

And Alexis Tsipras will try to take advantage of this flight and the new crisis in SYRIZA to weaken Stefanos Kasselakis, returning to political affairs as the leader of a new party and as an opponent of Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

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#step #closer #Tsipras #split



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