Great demand for urine jugs for the garden – touted as super fertiliser

Great demand for urine jugs for the garden – touted as super fertiliser

– So far we have sold dozens of pallets with this piss pot, says general manager Trond Svendgård in the online store Plukkselv to Nations.

The usefulness of urine as fertilizer has been known for several years, but much can indicate that more Norwegians have now jumped on the trend.

– It was actually meant as a curiosity when we brought in the so-called golden pot. Following an idea from a lady in Sweden, a separate special jug has been developed, which the user can sit on to pee, then mix it into water, and fertilize their plants while watering, says Svendgård.

The Nation has spoken to several urinal fertilizer enthusiasts. One of them is professor and immunologist Anne Spurkland, with whom many made acquaintances as an expert during the pandemic.

– Among other things, we have invested in two special jugs. We urinate on these during the growing season, mix with water in a ratio of 1 to 9, and fertilize the plants in our garden with it, says Spurkland.

She points out that this is both affordable and climate-friendly.

– Buying nitrogen as fertilizer is both expensive and requires a lot of energy to produce.

Garden book author and blogger Maria Berg Hestad also swears by urine in her kitchen garden.

– Urine is a fantastic source of fertiliser. It is short-travelled or untravelled, easily accessible and fairly clean – and that it smells nothing when it is used fresh, she tells the Nation.

#Great #demand #urine #jugs #garden #touted #super #fertiliser
2024-07-23 23:35:49



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