La Jornada – The draft opinion on judicial reform will begin on August 9

La Jornada – The draft opinion on judicial reform will begin on August 9

Mexico City. The preparation of the draft opinion on the reform of the Judicial Branch will commence on August 9, one day after the conclusion of the national forums on the topic. The presentation and regulatory circulation of this draft “will not occur before the 15th” of that month, as stated by the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.

A draft agreement that began circulating on Tuesday aims to address the 18 reform proposals that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented on February 5. The Board of Directors of the commission stated that they will initiate discussions and voting on these initiatives at their next meeting.

The document indicates, “The draft opinion related to the initiative from the President regarding electoral matters is currently being referred to the Committees on Political Electoral Reform and the Committee on Government and Population, for the necessary agreements to facilitate a joint meeting.”

In terms of the draft opinion concerning the initiative “related to the Judiciary and its associated topics, preparations will start on August 9 to incorporate the results from the National Dialogues currently being conducted. The presentation and regulatory circulation of this draft will not take place before August 15 of next year.”

The Commission added that “no reservations will be made to draft decrees” during its meetings, but emphasized that such suggestions could still be presented at the appropriate legal moment to the Plenary Session of the Chamber of Deputies.

Shortly after the draft agreement was made public, Ignacio Mier, the coordinator of the Morena bench in San Lázaro, shared several messages on his X account, underscoring: “Let there be no misunderstanding: The timeline for drafting modifications to the proposed constitutional reform regarding Judiciary matters will commence in the Constitutional Points Commission from August 9, following the completion of the national Dialogues.”

He also reaffirmed that “the proposals gathered thematically from various cities are currently being organized. The Commission’s meeting on August 1 is intended to approve the proposed path for the 18 Constitutional Reforms sent by the President.”

“The reforms that will definitely be decided between August 1 and 12 will relate to the issue of Welfare. On the other hand, discussions related to judicial and electoral matters will occur, if deemed necessary, after August 15.”

August serves as the deadline for Morena and its allies to prepare the opinions related to President López Obrador’s proposed reforms for potential approval in the 66th Legislature. If these timelines are surpassed, they will have to restart all necessary procedures for analyzing the proposals.

Judicial Reform in Mexico: An Overview of Recent Developments

Mexico City. The discussion surrounding the reform of the Judicial Branch in Mexico has entered a new phase. The Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies recently announced that a draft opinion on the proposed reforms will begin preparation on August 9, following the conclusion of national forums dedicated to this critical topic. This development has sparked interest among lawmakers and citizens alike, highlighting the importance of judicial reform in Mexico’s political landscape.

The Timeline for Judicial Reform Proposals

Currently, there are 18 reform proposals put forth by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador since February 5. These proposals aim to address significant issues within the judiciary and improve its efficiency and accountability. Notable timelines have been set for discussions:

  • August 1, 2023: Meeting of the Constitutional Points Commission to approve the proposed route for the 18 constitutional amendments.
  • August 9, 2023: Formal drafting of the judicial reform opinion is scheduled to begin.
  • August 15, 2023: Presentation and regulatory circulation of the draft opinion are expected to occur.

Key Aspects of the Reform Proposals

The reform proposals encompass several key points designed to enhance the functioning of the judiciary. Some of the critical areas include:

  1. Judicial Accountability: Establishing mechanisms for greater oversight to ensure judges are held accountable for their decisions.
  2. Transparency Measures: Increasing public access to judicial processes and decisions to foster transparency.
  3. Expedited Legal Processes: Implementing reforms to reduce case backlogs and expedite the judicial process, making it more accessible to the public.
  4. Training and Development: Enhancing ongoing training programs for judges and staff within the judicial system to improve competency and effectiveness.

National Dialogues: Gathering Public Input

To ensure that the reforms reflect the collective will of the people, the government is conducting national dialogues across various cities. These dialogues provide an opportunity for citizens to voice their opinions and contribute to the creation of a more robust judicial framework. As reported by Ignacio Mier, the coordinator of the Morena party in San Lázaro, “The proposals that have been collected thematically in different cities are being systematized.” This inclusive approach emphasizes engagement and participation at all levels of society.

Insights from the Constitutional Affairs Committee

According to the Constitution Affairs Committee, this process is being conducted with careful consideration. They reiterated that while draft decrees will not be open to reservation during their meetings, they can be presented during the Plenary Session of the Chamber of Deputies when appropriate. This structured approach is intended to facilitate a thorough examination of the initiative while ensuring that all voices are heard in the process.

Importance of Timeliness in Legislative Processes

August is a critical month for reform advocates and supporters. The deadline for the Morena party and its allies to prepare and pass the reform opinions is essential. If these timelines are not met, the entire legislative process will need to start over, leading to delays in necessary reforms.

Potential Roadblocks to Reform

Despite the push for judicial reform, several potential challenges may hinder progress, including:

  • Political Opposition: Disagreements among political parties may complicate consensus.
  • Public Resistance: Some citizens may be wary of changes, fearing potential misuse of new powers.
  • Implementation Challenges: Enacting reforms is only the first step; careful implementation and monitoring will be crucial for success.

Case Study: Previous Judicial Reforms in Mexico

To contextualize the current proposals, it is helpful to reflect on prior judicial reforms in Mexico. For instance, the reforms initiated in 2008 aimed to transition the criminal justice system from an inquisitorial system to an accusatorial one. Despite the ambitious goals, challenges in implementation, including lack of training for judges and police, delayed many of the expected benefits. This history of reform efforts illustrates the importance of thorough preparation and consensus-building for future initiatives to be successful.

Benefits of a Reformed Judicial System

Should these reforms be effectively implemented, several potential benefits could arise, including:

  • Increased Trust: A transparent and accountable judiciary may help restore public faith in legal institutions.
  • Efficiency: Faster resolution of cases could lead to a less congested court system.
  • Equity: Ensuring all citizens have equal access to justice, regardless of socioeconomic status.

Practical Tips for Citizens

As citizens engage with this ongoing reform process, here are some practical tips:

  1. Stay Informed: Follow credible news sources to keep up with developments in the judicial reform landscape.
  2. Participate in Dialogues: Attend local dialogues or provide feedback through official channels to express your views and contribute to the process.
  3. Advocate for Transparency: Encourage lawmakers to prioritize transparency and public access to judicial information.


The proposed judicial reform in Mexico represents a significant step toward enhancing democratic governance and accountability within the judicial system. With public input and careful legislative navigation, these changes could usher in a new era of justice in Mexico.



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